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Professional Issues in Nursing
Nurses face many challenges at workplaces while delivering their mandate in the nursing
profession. Such problems impact their ability to provide safe, appropriate, and ethical care to
patients. For example, some units, such as the operating room and post-anesthesia care units,
have more mandatory overtime than others. Such departments are short-staffed, and when one
nurse calls in sick, colleagues have to work extra hours to cover for the loss. Sometimes one has
to work for extra hours past the scheduled time to leave since they are not supposed to leave
patients unattended (Huston 152). During the summers, most nurses call in sick while others may
be on maternity leave. It leaves the remaining nurses, who cover their shifts, both mentally and
physically drained. In most cases, nurses call in sick since they want to get the required body rest
and deal with workplace burnout so that they can deliver the best care to the patients.

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Professional Issues in Nursing Nurses face many challenges at workplaces while delivering their mandate in the nursing profession. Such problems impact their ability to provide safe, appropriate, and ethical care to patients. For example, some units, such as the operating room and post-anesthesia care units, have more mandatory overtime than others. Such departments are short-staffed, and when one nurse calls in sick, colleagues have to work extra hours to cover for the loss. Sometimes one has to work for extra hours past the scheduled ...
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