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Curriculum vitae stephen roblin

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Stephen G. Roblin Dept. of Government Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 443.600.2516 EDUCATION 2020 expected Ph.D., Government, Cornell University Committee: Matthew Evangelista (co-chair), Sarah Kreps (co-chair), Joseph Margulies, Sarah Maxey (Loyola University Chicago) 2018 M.A. Government, Cornell University Fields: International Relations (major), Comparative Politics (minor) 2009 M.P.P., University of Maryland, School of Public Policy Specialization: International Development 2006 B.A., Literature and Language, Morgan State University, Magna Cum Laude Minor: Spanish 2003 A.A., General Studies, Community College of Baltimore County RESEARCH The Moral Public: Intent, Noncombatant Immunity, and American Public Support for War Does the U.S. military's killing of foreign civilians affect American public support for war? The question remains a source of debate between two camps in IR. The “strategic public” camp points to the public’s indifference to civilian harm and preoccupation with winning wars, whereas the “moral public” camp sees a public moved by legal norms that prohibit wartime civilian harm. Despite the centrality of intent in just war theory and international humanitarian law, neither camp has considered the degree to which the intent behind civilian harm conditions public support for war. Drawing on research in moral psychology, I argue that public support for war decreases as the intent behind civili ...
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