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Epidemiology In Population Health Challenges.edited

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Running head: Epidemiology In Researching And Addressing Population Health
Issues 1
Epidemiology in Researching and Addressing Population Health Challenges
Institution of Affiliation

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Epidemiology In Researching And Addressing Population Health Issues
Epidemiology is a broad discipline that studies the origin and the causal
factors for particular infections affecting the population in a given place (Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). Epidemiology involves scientific
techniques for conducting and investigating diseases outbreak in a community. In
this case, epidemiologists collect specimen from the infected patients to undertake
laboratory tests in efforts to derive specific diseases facing the population. For
example, epidemiologists conducted and discovered cases of meningitis outbreak at
Fort Leonard Wood in 2009, which had emerged in the Army training Center. The
paper seeks to explore how epidemiology aid in researching and addressing
population health problems.
One of the fundamental functions for epidemiology pertains researching for
disease causal factors affecting the population (Bach et al., 2017). As a discipline,
epidemiology employs scientific methodologies to help investigate infection
outbreak in a given prevalence region. In other words, the discipline equips
epidemiologists with the necessary knowledge for researching specific risks factors
causing particular infections to the target population. In the recent past,
epidemiologists researchers depict there are approximately 1.3 million to 4 million
cases of cholera reported worldwide per year (World Health Organization, 2019).
Epidemiologists utilize research and laboratory tests to declare a disease outbreak
in a given area. For example, epidemiologists will likely conduct lab tests from
victims suffering from infections such as cholera before reporting the issue as a
health concern.

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Running head: Epidemiology In Researching And Addressing Population Health Issues 1 Epidemiology in Researching and Add ressing Population Health Challenges Name Instructor Institution of Affiliation Date Epidemiology In Researching And Addressing Population Health Issues 2 Epidemiology is a broad discipline that studies the origin and the causal factors for particular infections affecting the population in a given place (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). Epidemiology involves scientific techniques for conducting and investigating diseases outbreak in a community. In this case, epidemiologists collect specimen from the infected patients to undertake laboratory tests in efforts to derive specific diseases facing the population. For example, epidemiologists conducted and discovered cases of meningitis outbreak at Fort Leonard Wood in 2009, which had emerged in the Army training Center. The paper seeks to explore how epidemiology aid in researching and addressing population health problems. One of the fundamental functions for epidemiology pertains researching for disease causal factors affecting the population (Bach et al., 2017). As a discipline, epidemiology emp ...
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