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North Carolina Central University
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Three Nursing Diagnoses
Primary physical diagnosis as a schizophrenic is disturbed thought content exhibited by
symptoms such as religiosed and persecutory delusions, inability to solve problems and his
inability to trust others leading to social withdrawal.
Psychological nursing diagnosis- Disturbed perception characterized by possible auditory
hallucinations as when talking, he seems to be arguing with someone (Marchionni et al., 2019).
The patient also shows signs of social anxiety and poor concentration.
Education nursing diagnosis- Hyper-focus on his academic work at the expense of other
aspects of his life. This might also have been contributed by his mother’s harsh criticism on
academic failure.
Health Assessment Priorities for Nursing Diagnosis
Diagnosing Francis as a schizophrenic is dependent on symptomatology of the disease
such as disturbed through content and perception. In assessing Francis, knowing his risks of self-
harm is highly critical. In addition, asking about the possible risk factors for the disorder, such as
family history and other triggering factors, would play a role in determining the way forward in
his treatment. It would also be crucial to decide whether Francis has insight into what is
happening to him and whether he remains positive to get better. Knowing Francis’ compliance
with his medication would also be critical in determining the absence of possible relapses (Kurtz,
State 5 or more appropriate interventions with evidence based practice rationale for each
action stated for each of the three primary nursing diagnoses.

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SCHIZOPHRENIA 1 Schizophrenia Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Date SCHIZOPHRENIA 2 Three Nursing Diagnoses Primary physical diagnosis as a schizophrenic is disturbed thought content exhibited by symptoms such as religiosed and persecutory delusions, inability to solve problems and his inability to trust others leading to social withdrawal. Psychological nursing diagnosis- Disturbed perception characterized by possible auditory hallucinations as when talking, he seems to be arguing with someone (Marchionni et al., 2019). The patient also shows signs of social anxiety and poor concentration. Education nursing diagnosis- Hyper-focus on his academic work at the expense of other aspects of his life. This might also have been contributed by his mother’s harsh criticism on academic failure. Health Assessment Priorities for Nursing Diagnosis Diagnosing Francis as a schizophrenic is dependent on symptomatology of the disease such as disturbed through content and perception. In assessing Francis, knowing his risks of selfharm is highly critical. In addition, asking about the possible risk factors for the disorder, such as family history and other triggering factors, would play a role in determining the way forward in his treatment. It would also be crucial to decide whether Francis has insight into what is happening to him and whether he remains positive to get better. Knowing Francis’ compliance with his medication would also be critical in determining the absence ...
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