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A paper on Titanic

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The Titanic and her sinking tragedy
The Titanic, often referred to as the ‘unsinkable’ ship, has recorded the deadliest maritime
tragedy in the history of U.S.A, and the entire global society. Although it was a massive disaster,
the fact that the Titanic tragic has proven inspiring to thousands of people throughout the world
remains. Until now, the story of the sinking of the unsinkable ship, the Titanic, still captivate vast
audiences in their diverse capacities. This is because, the whole phenomena was encrypted with a
number of concepts among them love, dramatic irony, and most notably the tragedy itself. With
those significant events associated to the Titanic, its history has become a matter of massive
significance to the history of the U.S., and has motivated many more specialists to keep finding
information about it.
The Titanic was a passenger liner from the United Kingdom, and sunk in the Northern
part of the Ocean of Atlantic in 1912, April 15. This terrible ordeal occurred when the ship
collided with a huge iceberg in her journey, from Southampton in the United Kingdom to the
New York City in the U.S. The sinking of this enormous ship led to the loss of more than 1500
persons; thus, becoming the deadliest tragedy to ever occur on water body in the global history.
By the time the Titanic entered into service, it was the biggest water-travelling vessel
worldwide. Moreover, it was the second largest ship among the three Ocean Liners categorized
as the Olympic class. The White Star Line was the operator of this prestigious ship .The Titanic
was as well operated by The RMS Titanic was designed by a naval architect, Thomas Andrews
then constructed by the Shipyard of the Wolff and Harland in Belfast. At the moment of the
tragedy, the RMS Titanic had carried 2,224 passengers together with the crew, and Andrew was
among the people who succumbed to their death due to that.

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The Titanic had carried some of the wealthiest persons in the world, and hundreds of
emigrants from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Scandinavia, and throughout the European
continent, who were in search for new livelihoods in the Northern part of the U.S. The epitome
of luxury and comfort in the Titanic, which was the first class accommodation, included an on-
board gymnasium, libraries, high-class restaurants, swimming pool, and the opulent carbines.
This section of the ship also had a wireless telegraph, which worked for the wellbeing of the
passengers as well as that of the operators of the vessel.
In as much as the Titanic had complex features of safety among them the watertight
compartments and the remotely activated welterweight doors, it happened that it did not have
sufficient lifeboats, which could accommodate all its passengers in case of a tragedy. It is a given
that within the ship was only 1178 lifeboats, a number that was slightly more than half the total
population it was carrying at that particular moment, and just a third of her total capacity. Before
the Titanic sunk, it had been on action for four consecutive days. It had left Southampton on
1912, April 10, sailed to Cherbourgin, France; then Queenstown in Ireland; and was on its way to
New York City in America. On 14 April of the same year, the Titanic had covered an
approximate distance of 600 kilometers, which is equivalent to 375 miles.
These glancing collisions made the ship hull its plates, buckle to the inside, more so,
along the side of the starboard, and spoilt 5 out of her 16 compartments of watertight to the sea.
Based on that, the ship was gradually filled with water, a phenomenon that triggered the
evacuation of passengers and some members of the crew using the lifeboats. The loading of
lifeboats was somehow biased, as men were left behind in favor for women and children, who
were perceived more vulnerable in the situation. At 2.20 am of the same day, the Titanic did
break apart and foundered. At this time, it had more than one thousand people still in the ship.

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Name: Instructor: Task: Date: Titanic The Titanic and her sinking tragedy The Titanic, often referred to as the 'unsinkable' ship, has recorded the deadliest maritime tragedy in the history of U.S.A, and the entire global society. Although it was a massive disaster, the fact that the Titanic tragic has proven inspiring to thousands of people throughout the world remains. Until now, the story of the sinking of the unsinkable ship, the Titanic, still captivate vast audiences in their diverse capacities. This is because, the whole phenomena was encrypted with a number of concepts among them love, dramatic irony, and most notably the tragedy itself. With those significant events associated to the Titanic, its history has become a matter of massive significance to the history of the U.S., and has motivated many more specialists to keep finding information about it. The Titanic was a passenger liner from the United Kingdom, and sunk in the Northern part of the Ocean of Atlantic in 1912, April 15. This terrible ordeal occurred when the ship collided with a huge iceberg in her journey, from Southampton in the United Kingdom to the New York City in the U.S. The sinking of this enormous ship led to the loss of more than 1500 persons; thus, becoming the deadliest tragedy to ever occur on water body in the global history. By the time the Titanic entered into service, it was the biggest water-travelling vessel worldwide. Moreover, it was the second largest ship among the three Ocean Lin ...
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