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Criminal Justice Cap Unit 3 Ip

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Colorado Technical University
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Running head: CRIMINAL JUSTICE 1
Criminal Justice
Student’s Name
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Criminal Justice
In the case, the second suspect, Hopkins is being sentenced to life imprisonment due to
his involvement in the robbery that took place. The State Attorney has considered various
aspects of the case and the suspect such as their cooperation in the investigation, which led to the
prosecution of the two suspects. The State Attorney is also considering the remorsefulness of
Hopkins in regards to the actions he perpetrated against the victims. Doing this is aimed at
determining the form of punishment that should be considered to be appropriate for criminal
offenses. In this essay, I assumed the role of the State Attorney also known as the defense
attorney in the case and assessed whether the life sentence given to Hopkins is fair and whether it
meets the goals of the criminal justice system.
In the criminal justice system, there are two sides in a given case which try and convince
the jury or court when determining the truth in a criminal case. These parties include the
prosecution and the defense. The prosecution refers to the state or government that brings
forward a criminal case against an individual (Francesca, 2013). They do this through the help of
the law enforcement officers, which in this case is the officers who arrested the suspect and
conducted the investigation. The aim of the prosecution is to ensure that the victims receive
justice for the actions that were perpetrated by the identified suspects. On the other hand, there is
the defense team, which includes lawyers who are representing the suspect. Their aim is to
ensure that the suspect gets the most lenient form of punishment once the case has been heard in
a court of law.
As a defense attorney, I would argue that the sentence that has been given to the suspect
is too harsh, and thereby, the court should seek other forms of sentencing. The first argument that
could be used by the defense attorney is the fact that Hopkins was willing and ready to aid in the

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Running head: CRIMINAL JUSTICE 1 Criminal Justice Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation CRIMINAL JUSTICE 2 Criminal Justice In the case, the second suspect, Hopkins is being sentenced to life imprisonment due to his involvement in the robbery that took place. The State Attorney has considered various aspects of the case and the suspect such as their cooperation in the investigation, which led to the prosecution of the two suspects. The State Attorney is also considering the remorsefulness of Hopkins in regards to the actions he perpetrated against the victims. Doing this is aimed at determining the form of punishment that should be considered to be appropriate for criminal offenses. In this essay, I assumed the role of the State Attorney also known as the defense attorney in the case and assessed whether the life sentence given to Hopkins is fair and whether it meets the goals of the criminal justice system. In the criminal justice system, there are two sides in a given case which try and convince the jury or court when determining the truth in a criminal case. These parties include the prosecution and the defense. The prosecution refers to the state or government that b ...
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