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Rasmussen University
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Technology and Emerging Trends in Healthcare
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The technological tide of change is taking the entire world by storm. Since the wake of
the 21
century, technology and innovation have exponentially grown to unprecedented heights.
The future is shaping with the momentous changes induced by the ubiquitous adoption and
impact of Information Technology and digital transformation capabilities. When it comes to the
voracious hunger and adoption of technology, healthcare and medicine are laggard industries.
Nonetheless, the past two decades have witnessed colossal technological influence in the
healthcare sector. The power of innovation shaping the tech sphere has considerably taken its
dominant position and role in the world of medicine and healthcare. The latest global health
crisis and pandemic of COVID-19 elicited an advanced debate of the role, influence, and impact
of technological innovations in medical solution programs and quality healthcare (Broto &
Kirshner, 2020). COVID-19 has stretched many healthcare systems to the limit. Turning to the
intrigues and powerful forces of technology, especially medical infrastructure and drug
development, the global healthcare system has gained significant breathing space in the fight
against emerging healthcare challenges such as COVID-19.
Big Data and Cloud trends are gaining traction in healthcare solutions and advanced
treatment processes. On-premise IT systems and cloud services connection are becoming the
tools for improving healthcare services' quality, efficiency, and reliance virtually. As the Vice
President of Innovation in one of the regional hospitals in our area, emerging trends and
technology are key policy factors. The office of the Vice President has a fundamental role in
shaping the policy structures and implementation programs to enhance virtual and computer
technology in the entire healthcare system. Under the instructions of the hospital board, I will
evaluate the vital emerging trends in technology that could be integrated into the hospital for a

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1 Technology and Emerging Trends in Healthcare Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code Date 2 Introduction The technological tide of change is taking the entire world by storm. Since the wake of the 21st century, technology and innovation have exponentially grown to unprecedented heights. The future is shaping with the momentous changes induced by the ubiquitous adoption and impact of Information Technology and digital transformation capabilities. When it comes to the voracious hunger and adoption of technology, healthcare and medicine are laggard industries. Nonetheless, the past two decades have witnessed colossal technological influence in the healthcare sector. The power of innovation shaping the tech sphere has considerably taken its dominant position and role in the world of medicine and healthcare. The latest global health crisis and pandemic of COVID-19 elicited an advanced debate of the role, influence, and impact of technological innovations in medical solution programs and quality healthcare (Broto & Kirshner, 2020). COVID-19 has stretched many healthcare systems to the limit. Turning to the intrigues and powerful forces of technology, especially medical infrastructure and drug development, the global healthcare system has gained significant breathing space in the fight against emerging healthcare challenges such as COVID-19. Big Data and Cloud trends are gaining traction in healthcare solutions and advanced treatment processes. On-premise IT syste ...
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