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University of Central Oklahoma
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Question 1.
The average metal density measured was 7.335 g/mL. The real density value is 7.87 g/mL. The
calculated % error is 6.8 %. Considering that the % error is higher than 5%, the experimental
value does not seem to agree with the real density value. The discrepancy could be due to the
room temperature. Density is highly sensitive to temperature because a solid's volume changes
along with the temperature. Another possible error source is the presence of air bubbles that
occupy part of the measured volume.
Question 2.
The liquid's experimental density is 1.33 g/mL. The real density is 1.51 g/mL, and the calculated
% error is 11.92 %. Considering that the % error is higher than 5%, the experimental value does
not seem to agree with the real density value. The discrepancy could be due to the cylinder not
being dried before pouring the liquid. Another possible error source is the presence of air bubbles
that occupy part of the measured volume.
Question 4.
If there were bubbles trapped under the metal pellets, the measured volume would be higher than
the actual volume. In consequence, the calculated density would be lower than the real density.
This is a method error because the experimental process allows the bubbles to form in the first
place. But it is the operator's responsibility to correct the error before proceeding with the
Question 5.
Water's density is 1.00 g/mL, but Part III liquid's density is 1.33 g/mL. Since the latter has the
highest density, it will sink and form a liquid layer underneath the water.

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Question 1. The average metal density measured was 7.335 g/mL. The real density value is 7.87 g/mL. The calculated % error is 6.8 %. Considering that the % error is higher than 5%, the experimental value does not seem to agree with the real density value. The discrepancy could be due to the room tem ...
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