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Treating Gambling Problems

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Treating Gambling Problems
Gambling involves taking huge risks in anything of value for an uncertain event or
occurrence carrying hopes of winning something that has a much greater value that what one
risks, in most cases it is called betting. Betting requires lovers of practice to take risks
continually, of monetary value or intrinsic value, in order to win a given object, item, or an
award of both intrinsic and sentimental value. There are many locations where people can
participate in gambling. For instance, Las Vegas is the leading gambling point in the United
States. However, across the world, there are a number of general worldwide gambling stations
such as church halls, casinos, gas stations, inclusive of both online and offshore stations.
Gambling is becoming a very popular sport in the world owing to the sports fantasy leagues,
multi-million dollars winners and World Series of Poker tournaments through television
broadcasts (Howatt and McCown, 2007).
Gambling occurs in numerous forms and diversions depending on the people who take
part in it. Common forms of gambling include scratch off tickets and lotteries whereby
participants or bettors risk a few dollars for a chance to win millions in prizes or cash. These
lotteries and other gambling games range from traditional games at the casino such as blackjack
and roulette, to stock market and bingo. These games require chance and skill, for example,
playing dominoes and throwing dice. In addition, people can also bet on other games where they
do not participate directly but rely on the outcomes of the game, such as horse races, football
games, elections, or for some change, the weather. Gambling involves anything whereby the
outcome is uncertain. In a gambling game, odds makers determine payouts and odds while
bookies handle the exchange of money. Gambling is very addictive especially if participants
cannot control their desires to win (Howatt and McCown, 2007).
Addiction to gambling occurs when one has a tendency of winning, or harbors the hope
of winning in every gambling or bet that they participate. For instance, if individual wins in most

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lotteries and scratch of tickets that they buy, they will do it frequently. They do this so often even
if they do not win, harboring the hope that they will one day wins. At this stage, the individual is
already an addict of the gambling game or lottery that they always participate. As such, they will
prioritize every little cent or money that they take for their gambling practices rather than putting
the money in more important activities such as provision of basic necessities in life such as food,
shelter, clothing and education. The severe addicts of this practice of gambling are those who
win from time to time, even if they do not win big. They continue to play frequently with the
hope of hitting a jackpot someday (Howatt and McCown, 2007).
Gambling addiction is a very serious ‘disease’ especially those who do not know how to
control their habits. For instance, numerous cases of an individual are on record of those who
owe others gambling debts escalating into millions of dollars. In fact, some states such as in the
United States, and in the republic of Korea, the governments has clear records of people who
died from gambling debts, or gambling related causes. In fact, gambling debts are on record of
bringing down wealthy aristocrats who are addicts to their gambling practices. This is because
their snobbishness, and desire to expand their wealth much faster, push them to bet a significant
portion of their property or wealth as collateral for their gambling bids. As a result, when they
lose a gambling bet they also end up losing their money and property, and this mark the onset of
their bankruptcy due to gambling (Howatt and McCown, 2007).
Furthermore, the need to reclaim their property, or win their money back from the
gambling bets, drives them to take massive debts in order to use as collateral for their successive
gambling bets. As such, more loses drain them off their property and wealth, sinking them
deeper and deeper into bankruptcy. These persons sometimes even end up in jail paying up for
their gambling debts, an occurrence that would not take place if they manage to control their
gambling addictions. Therefore, it is always advisable for a frequent gambler to control their

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Treating Gambling Problems Gambling involves taking huge risks in anything of value for an uncertain event or occurrence carrying hopes of winning something that has a much greater value that what one risks, in most cases it is called betting. Betting requires lovers of practice to take risks continually, of monetary value or intrinsic value, in order to win a given object, item, or an award of both intrinsic and sentimental value. There are many locations where people can participate in gambling. For instance, Las Vegas is the leading gambling point in the United States. However, across the world, there are a number of general worldwide gambling stations such as church halls, casinos, gas stations, inclusive of both online and offshore stations. Gambling is becoming a very popular sport in the world owing to the sports fantasy leagues, multi-million dollars winners and World Series of Poker tournaments through television broadcasts (Howatt and McCown, 2007). Gambling occurs in numerous forms and diversions depending on the people who take part in it. Common forms of gambling include scratch off tickets and lotteries whereby participants or bettors risk a few dollars for a chance to win millions in prizes or cash. These lotteries and other gambling games range from traditional games at the casino such as blackjack and roulette, to stock market and bingo. These games require chance and skill, for example, playing dominoes and throwing dice. In addition, people can also bet on ...
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