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Managed care impacts on healthcare finance

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Managed Care Impacts on Healthcare Finance
Student's Name
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Course Number, Name Professor's Name
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Managed Care Impacts on Healthcare Finance
Normally, citizens of the United States are always entitled to proper healthcare. However,
the kind of healthcare services delivered in the United States seems to be costly. Therefore, the
government has developed various policies and techniques that effectively lower healthcare
services' costs due to high healthcare costs. One of the concepts initiated in the United States to
simplify the cost of healthcare is the Managed care concept (Illingworth, 2018). Managed care is
also identified as the managed healthcare system and insurance used in healthcare service
delivery that minimizes costs. The managed care is specifically effective in the United States. It
can be traced to the 1980s when a group of physicians developed to realize more cost-effective
policies. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss the effects of managed care on healthcare finance
and the possible challenges when implemented.
Challenges and Problem
The idea of relying on the managed healthcare can be traced to the 1980s after the
increment in healthcare costs, technology advancement, and availability of expensive equipment
to run. The individuals interested in effective care plan management would be registered into
various healthcare plans in the Health Maintenance Organizations. The health maintenance
organizations describe the network created by various hospitals, doctors, and other professionals
in the healthcare sector (Stadhouders et al., 2019). These providers were responsible for
providing discounted health services through insurance rates while exchanging referrals for the
healthcare plans. For instance, an individual settling for Primary Care Physician from the
accredited list of primary care delivered by the selected network in managed care, most
individuals prefer to select plans with more freedom choices such as the Point of Service Plan or
Preferred Provider Organization. People always review and settle for the most appropriate plans

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1 Managed Care Impacts on Healthcare Finance Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number, Name Professor's Name Due Date 2 Managed Care Impacts on Healthcare Finance Normally, citizens of the United States are always entitled to proper healthcare. However, the kind of healthcare services delivered in the United States seems to be costly. Therefore, the government has developed various policies and techniques that effectively lower healthcare services' costs due to high healthcare costs. One of the concepts initiated in the United States to simplify the cost of healthcare is the Managed care concept (Illingworth, 2018). Managed care is also identified as the managed healthcare system and insurance used in healthcare service delivery that minimizes costs. The managed care is specifically effective in the United States. It can be traced to the 1980s when a group of physicians developed to realize more cost-effective policies. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss the effects of managed care on healthcare finance and the possible challenges when implemented. Challenges and Problem The idea of relying on the managed healthcare can be traced to the 1980s after the increment in healthcare costs, technology advancement, and availability of expensive equipment to run. The individuals interested in effective care plan management would be registered into various healthcare plans in the Health Maintenance Organizations. The health maintenance organizations describe the netw ...
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