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1 Applying Ethical Principle

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Capella University
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Applying Ethical Principle
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One of the ethical issues that medical practitioners confront in their profession is the
mothers' refusal to immunize their infants. Because of its intricacies and limited possibilities for
resolution, it is also an issue that puts the physician's grasp of ethical limits and interpersonal
capacities to the test. Nevertheless, after combining the following aspects of the ethical decision-
making model, practitioners can use the four principles of medical ethics to guide their actions
and judgments. As a result, the practitioner's capacity to use her communication skills and apply
ethical principles to create a trusting connection with the child's parents is dependent on her
ability to use her communication skills and apply ethical principles to resolve the challenge in
the research study.
Summary of the Case Study
The case study that will be used on the research process is "Incident 10: To vaccinate, or
not?" which outlines a few of the moral considerations that doctors and caregivers managing
childhood vaccination initiatives in the U. S. face. Jenna and Chris Smith are the parents of Ana,
a five-day-old baby girl who refused to be vaccinated at the Health Centre. As per Capella
University (2018), Ana's guardians are both college-educated professionals who specialize in
exclusive six-month breastfeeding for their baby and prepare her diet with pureed organic food
products. The Smiths' position was based on their research findings into how the destructive
effects of immunization exceed the beneficial benefits that children receive from vaccines.
Furthermore, their assertions about the vaccinations' unknown risks were based on a
review of various studies, including those published by online parenting blogs that demonstrated
a link between immunization and autistic disorders. While Ana's attending pediatrician, Dr. Kerr,

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Running head: ETHICAL PRINCIPLE 1 Applying Ethical Principle Name University’s Name Course Code and Course Name Instructor’s Name Date ETHICAL PRINCIPLE 2 Introduction One of the ethical issues that medical practitioners confront in their profession is the mothers' refusal to immunize their infants. Because of its intricacies and limited possibilities for resolution, it is also an issue that puts the physician's grasp of ethical limits and interpersonal capacities to the test. Nevertheless, after combining the following aspects of the ethical decisionmaking model, practitioners can use the four principles of medical ethics to guide their actions and judgments. As a result, the practitioner's capacity to use her communication skills and apply ethical principles to create a trusting connection with the child's parents is dependent on her ability to use her communication skills and apply ethical principles to resolve the challenge in the research study. Summary of the Case Study The case study that will be used on the research process is "Incident 10: To vaccinate, or not?" which outlines a few of the moral considerations that doctors and caregivers managing childhood vaccination initiatives in the U. S. face. Jenna and Chris Smith are the parents of Ana, a five-day-old baby girl who refused to be vaccinated at the Health Centre. As per Capella University (2018), Ana's guardians are both college-educated professionals who specialize in exclusive six-month breastfeedin ...
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