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Arth200 week 6 responding to two students

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American Military University
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American Military University
ARTH200 Week 6 Responding to two students
Description: Italian Renaissance and Baroque Masters
Fully answer 1 of the Following Topics.
Topic 1:
Donatello is considered the finest of the early Italian Renaissance sculptors.
He was known for advancing the ideas of naturalism in the sculpted human
figure. Conduct internet research, then examine and discuss two of his
works, such as "St. Mark" and "David." Answer all of the following in your
What does the word renaissance mean?
What does humanism mean?
How might the term renaissance apply to these figures?
What correlation is there between the figures based on what you
researched about the artist?
What differences do you see between the figures?
What is the function of each of these objects, and where
were/are they found?
What do they each mean?
What techniques did the artists use, and how did they fit into
their respective cultures?

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What is your personal reaction/response to these figures,
and how (if at all) do they apply to your life and past
Topic 2:
The great Italian Baroque artist, Caravaggio, did not follow all of the rules of
proper Italian Baroque art. He chose to depict holy events with people as
being rather ordinary, in ordinary settings. Believing that ordinary people
could be called to holy service, he shunned using the obvious religious
figures and bombastic theater in his works. He gives the viewer a dramatic
quietude. The great Flemish artist Peter Paul Rubens also worked in the
same time period, but in a different country. His works are more like Italian
Baroque art and its sense of grand theater. Conduct internet research, and
carefully examine and discuss the following images from Caravaggio and
Caravaggio, The Entombment of Christ
Peter Paul Rubens, The Raising of the Cross
In your post, answer the following questions:
What are the similarities and differences between the two
paintings? Consider subject matter, light, backgrounds, and figures.
Where do these paintings reside/where are they located?

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American Military University ARTH200 Week 6 Responding to two students Description: Italian Renaissance and Baroque Masters Fully answer 1 of the Following Topics. Topic 1: Donatello is considered the finest of the early Italian Renaissance sculptors. He was known for advancing the ideas of naturalism in the sculpted human figure. Conduct internet research, then examine and discuss two of his works, such as "St. Mark" and "David." Answer all of the following in your post: • What does the word renaissance mean? • What does humanism mean? • How might the term renaissance apply to these figures? • What correlation is there between the figures based on what you researched about the artist? • What differences do you see between the figures? • What is the function of each of these objects, and where were/are they found? • What do they each mean? • What techniques did the artists use, and how did they fit into their respective cultures? • What is your personal reaction/response to these figures, and how (if at all) do they apply to your life and past experiences? Or Topic 2: The great Italian Baroque artist, Caravaggio, did not follow all of the rules of proper Italian Baroque art. He chose to depict holy events with people as being rather ordinary, in ordinary settings. Believing that ordinary people could be called to holy service, he shunned using the obvious religious figures and bombastic theater in his works. He gives the viewer a drama ...
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