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Ford’s fusion and Ecoboost engine

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Ford’s fusion and Ecoboost engine
When we talk about innovation Ford somehow acquires its place. It has
always been amongst the top few companies that revolutionize the
engine system used by cars from time to time. Ford has proved itself
with its recently brilliant ecoboost engine which is compact, powerful
yet efficient. The compact, low-force applying turbo uses a vacuum
actuated waste gate that reduces back up pressure when off boost and
can rotate it up to 248,000rpm. In its ecoboost engine manufacturing
project Ford Motor Company and FEV Engineering Organisation shake
hands together. Pat on their back to come up with this excellent idea.
Ford engines are well known throughout the world, not only in
Ford vehicles but in sports and kit applications too.
Ecoboost is the family of turbocharged, direct injected gasoline
produced by Ford Motor Company and co- developed by FEV
engineering. As the name ecoboost in itself suggest that these engines
must be designed to optimize the usage of fuel in every way possible.
These engines are designed in a way to maximise the result by
producing maximum amount of power and torque that results in greater
displacements in engines. In comparison with ordinary engines these
engines have a fuel economy that is better by 20% at the same time these
ecoboost engines emits 15% less green house gases. Ford Motor
Company will invest approximately $200 million and add 450 new jobs
at its Cleveland Engine Plant to increase productivity and meet the
growing demand.
Initiating the production in 2009, V6 ecoboost engines are assembled in
the Brook Park in the state of Ohio and the 2.0 L14 ecoboost engines are
produced in Spain. Ford motor company has initiated projects that are
aiming to produce around 750000 such engines annually in the United
States and it has to produce around 1.3 million these engines in the

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Ford's fusion and Ecoboost engine When we talk about innovation Ford somehow acquires its place. It has always been amongst the top few companies that revolutionize the engine system used by cars from time to time. Ford has proved itself with its recently brilliant ecoboost engine which is compact, powerful yet efficient. The compact, low-force applying turbo uses a vacuum actuated waste gate that reduces back up pressure when off boost and can rotate it up to 248,000rpm. In its ecoboost engine manufacturing project Ford Motor Company and FEV Engineering Organisation shake hands together. Pat ...
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