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Nursing Discussion Advanced Pharmacology

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Florida National University
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Nursing discussion - Advanced Pharmacology
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Nursing discussion - Advanced Pharmacology
The role of advanced practice of nursing in safe prescribing drugs varies in different
states based on regulations and policies. There are states in the U.S that allow nurses to prescribe
drugs under the supervision of a physician. On the other hand, according to Hain & Fleck (2014),
some states allow limited prescribing of drugs only if an APRN has undergone more than three
hours of continued education on safe and effective prescription, especially for controlled
substances. According to Weglicki, Reynolds, & Rivers (2015), under the role of safe
prescribing, nurses continue with safe health care as the transitioning medical personnel from
physicians. Therefore, they implement the guidelines of physicians in administering prescribed
drugs. It is only on allowed specifications that the role of nurses, especially for APRNs, changes
where they can prescribe particular medication. For instance, psychiatric nurses may prescribe
some of the controlled substances pursuant to HB 977 in Florida (Florida Board of Nursing,
2019). Also, some states allow prescription of psychotropic medication for children under the
age of 18 years only if a nurse is a qualified and certified APRN.
The three prescribing barriers for APRNs include limitation of prescribing controlled
substances, educational qualification, and lack of proper prescribing policies and modalities. For
instance, in the state of Florida as indicated by Florida Board of Nursing (2019), APRNs are not
allowed to prescribe Schedule II, Schedule III or Schedule IV of controlled substances based on
the repercussions the drugs have on a patient if not prescribed correctly. Thus it reduces the
chances that nurses attain fully practice when prescribing controlled substances despite
undergoing relevant education. According to Boyle & Mumba (2018), when it comes to
educational qualifications, only graduates with a masters or doctoral degree in clinical nursing
specialty training and practitioner skills are allowed to prescribe drugs to patients. In addition to

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Running Head: NURSING DISCUSSION - ADVANCED PHARMACOLOGY Nursing discussion - Advanced Pharmacology Student Name Institutional Affiliation 1 NURSING DISCUSSION - ADVANCED PHARMACOLOGY 2 Nursing discussion - Advanced Pharmacology The role of advanced practice of nursing in safe prescribing drugs varies in different states based on regulations and policies. There are states in the U.S that allow nurses to prescribe drugs under the supervision of a physician. On the other hand, according to Hain & Fleck (2014), some states allow limited prescribing of drugs only if an APRN has undergone more than three hours of continued education on safe and effective prescription, especially for controlled substances. According to Weglicki, Reynolds, & Rivers (2015), under the role of safe prescribing, nurses continue with safe health care as the transitioning medical personnel from physicians. Therefore, they implement the guidelines of physicians in administering prescribed drugs. It is only on allowed specifications that the role of nurses, especially for APRNs, changes where they can prescribe particular medication. For instance, psychiatric nurses may prescribe some of the controlled subs ...
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