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Information Security In A World Of Technology

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Aspen University
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Information Security in a World of Technology
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Information technology has played a bigger role in ensuring that there are
advancements in the competence and excellence in the health care sector. In the US, IT has
been a major focus in advancing health care. Development and distribution of competent
Information technology in the US has still remained a challenge (Kudyba & Blumenthal,
2018). In the recent years, more capital has been invested into ensuring that the security of
healthcare systems has been upheld. The result has been that the clients of these organizations
have developed more confidence in their services and less cases of hacking activities on
healthcare organizations have been reported (Kudyba & Blumenthal, 2018). Training of all
employees in these organization needs to be undertaken to ensure the policies meant to
protect the organizations’ security are adhered to.
The textbook discusses several education methods. Discuss each method with an
example of how the method could be used in the organization. Then discuss how you
will evaluate the method and learning.
Education is involved with the acquisition of a theoretical and knowledge based
foundation that is aimed at preparing the learners to apply and understand the concepts that
they have been taught. On the other hand, training gives the learner the skills that they need
to undertake a task.
Instructor led learning
It is also known as classroom training. An instructor delivers a lecture to an audience
of trainees who are physically present in class or connected via an audiovisual media (Hebda
et al., 2019). Resources such as handouts, manuals, scenarios, learners exercises, notes and
class evaluations may be utilized. Training database and computer hardware are used by both
the learners and the instructor to simulate a kinetic learning experience like in the real
information technology (Hebda et al., 2019). The learners have the opportunity to ask

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1 Information Security in a World of Technology Student’s Name: School’s name: Course: Instructor’s Name: Date: 2 Introduction Information technology has played a bigger role in ensuring that there are advancements in the competence and excellence in the health care sector. In the US, IT has been a major focus in advancing health care. Development and distribution of competent Information technology in the US has still remained a challenge (Kudyba & Blumenthal, 2018). In the recent years, more capital has been invested into ensuring that the security of healthcare systems has been upheld. The result has been that the clients of these organizations have developed more confidence in their services and less cases of hacking activities on healthcare organizations have been reported (Kudyba & Blumenthal, 2018). Training of all employees in these organization needs to be undertaken to ensure the policies meant to protect the organizations’ security are adhered to. The textbook discusses several education methods. Discuss each method with an example of how the method could be used in the organization. Then discuss how you will evaluate the method and learning. Education is involved with the acquisition of a theoretical and knowledge based foundation that is aimed at preparing the learners to apply and understand the concepts that they have been taught. On the other hand, training gives the learner the skills that they need to undertake a task. Instructor led learning It ...
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