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RES 341 Week 1 Individual Assignment Current Business Research Project Paper.

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Current Business Research Paper 1
Current Business Research Project Paper

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Current Business Research Paper 2
Introduction and Relevant Details
The purpose of this research was to investigate if computer use increases active
engagement in the learning process, as perceived by students. Two aspects of learning were
examined: active engagement of students in the learning process, and student interaction with
fellow students and/or instructors. In a survey of 640 community college students in the United
States, 75 % either agreed or strongly agreed that use of IT helped them to be more actively
engaged in learning, whilst 72 % agreed or strongly agreed that computers made it easier for
them to understand materials that they did not understand initially. Tests of significance showed
that use of computers helped students in being more actively engaged in learning, and that the
use of computers increased student interactions with fellow students and/or instructors.
Results of Data Analysis
Of the 690 surveys collected, 50 were found to be either incomplete or invalid. Only 640
surveys were used in the analysis, representing a 92.75 % response rate. Analysis of data
revealed that students used computers more often outside of classrooms than in their classes.
This is expected of students in most courses since they spend more time listening to their
instructors in classrooms to understand the subject matter presented and less time on computers.
On questions relating to frequency of use of computer software, it was found that the Internet
was the most frequently used software followed by word processing. Descriptive statistics
related to the perceived effectiveness of computer use on student learning are presented from the
research. This the first question dealt with the use of computers in regards of helping students to
be more actively engaged in their learning. 75.6 % of students either agreed or strongly agreed
that use of IT tools helped them to be more actively engaged in learning. Question two dealt
with the use of computers in regards of making it easier for students to review material that they

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Current Business Research Project Paper Introduction and Relevant Details The purpose of this research was to investigate if computer use increases active engagement in the learning process, as perceived by students. Two aspects of learning were examined: active engagement of students in the learning process, and student interaction with fellow students and/or instructors. In a survey of 640 community college students in the United States, 75 % either agreed or strongly agreed that use of IT helped them to be more actively engaged in learning, whilst 72 % agreed or strongly agreed that computers made it easier for them to understand materials that they did not understand initially. Tests of significance showed that use of computers helped students in being more actively engaged in learning, and that the use of computers increased student interactions with fellow students and/or instructors. Results of Data Analysis Of the 690 surveys collected, 50 were found to be either incomplete or invalid. Only 640 surveys were used in the analysis, representing a 92.75 % response rate. Analysis of data revealed that students used computers more often outside of classrooms than in their classes. This is expected of students in most courses since they spend more time listening to their instructors in classrooms to understand the subject matter presented and less time on computers. On questions relating to frequency of use of computer software, it was found that the Internet was ...
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