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Museum Visit Reflection

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Avila University
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Museum visit reflection
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My visit to the Nelson Atkins Museum and the sculpture garden at Kansas City was one of the
most exciting moments in my life. Long ago, I had been to the Nelson, but I had never come
across to the Bloch building. I was blown away by the fact that it was not only the Art which was
housed outside, but the building indeed caught my eyes. Everything within the building was so
impressive and exciting. Down the corridors or up the building loads of natural light streamed in.
There were also other fascinating things like exhibits. I was very impressed by the special
exhibition they preferred as Art in the Age of Stream, and a focus of Art with rail travel as a
theme. The new expansion, noted as Bloch building occupies the sculpture garden which has
transformed the museum as a zone for a better experience of the visitors.
I came across the landline Tappan that was created by Sean Scully. The painting is a convey of
deep emotional and meditative state. The other Art which I came across was the Ciprian, the
Bear Dancer, 2013 by Tamas Dezso. During the start of communism, the need to shift to
democracy left the countryside sparsely populated while factories were closed. Dezso is more
concerned with the welfare of the people and how they struggle towards their traditions. The
documenting is more on the enforced industrialization and the disappearing traditions in society.
I also came across Art by Pablo Picasso, a sculpture noted as Bust of a faun. The half-human and
half-goat are a representation of the irritational forces in human, and finally learnt about the
portrait of Lise Campineanu, 1878 by Edouard Manet and a Portrait of Paul Haviland, 1884.

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SURNAME1 Museum visit reflection Institutional affiliation Date My visit to the Nelson Atkins Museum and the sculpture garden at Kansas City was one of the most exciting moments in my life. Long ago, I had been to the Nelson, but I had never come across to the Bloch building. I was blown away by the fact that it was not only the Art which was housed outside, but the building indeed caught my eyes. Everything within the building was so impressive and exciting. Down the corridors or up the building loads of natural light streamed in. There were also other fascinating things like exhibits. I w ...
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Tags: art
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