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8 UNIT 11 ELECTROSTATICS FIGURE 11. 21 UNIT 11 ELECTROSTATIC 35 11.10.1 CAPACITANCE OF A CAPACITOR AND ITS UNIT The capability of a capacitor to store charges is called it capacitance. When a charge Q is transferred on one of the plate of a capacitor it causes the potential difference between the plates. In other words, the charge Q' on the plate of a capacitor is directly proportional to the potential difference V A 11.10 CAPACITOR 4 device which is used for storing lectrie charges is called capacitor The most common capacitor consists of two parallel metal pilates, separated by small distance. The medium between the two plates is air or a sheet of some insulator. This medium is known as dielectric Figure 11.21 shows a B between them i.e. QC a-cv ...(11.29) Q ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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