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RES 341 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Research Process Paper

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Research Process Paper 1
Research Process Paper

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Research Process Paper 2
Research Process Paper
After careful analysis of the data sets provided, the topic of choice that is imperative to
research is the Wages of 2005 spreadsheet. The purpose of the research is to find patterns in
wages in their descriptive relation to year, ethnicity, and other socio-cultural factors including
macro-economical and geographical influences. The problem with researching this specific
information is that there are always factors that contribute to wages going up and down. In
essence, wages in 2005 might be significantly different in 2010. The research cannot compare
and contrast expecting to find a correlation, but the purpose can be in finding the relation
between wages and environmental factors. The reason for the importance of this research paper
is because it provides basic data from that year about wages in the circumstance that the country
was in. Elaboration of the problem definition will also take place. Questions to be answered in
the research consist of “who, what, when, where, how” did the problem arise based on statistical
information other alternative theories could arise. Research hypothesis will furthermore elaborate
on the possible reasons for the statistical information being contemporary. The research paper
will produce three outcomes. Each variable is to have identification, operational, and a level of
measurement along with its scale. In further weeks, there will be an analysis that consists of
critical points, which will ultimately provide an in-depth perspective on alternative steps in
improving the research process.
Describe the research problem
The research problem is based on 2005 wages to find a relation to year, ethnicity, and
other socio-cultural factors including macro-economical and geographical influences. The first
step in handling the data is to organize it. One of quickest ways to do this is to provide a stem
and leaf display. With this method, the first part of a number is the stem, and the rest of the

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Research Process Paper Research Process Paper After careful analysis of the data sets provided, the topic of choice that is imperative to research is the Wages of 2005 spreadsheet. The purpose of the research is to find patterns in wages in their descriptive relation to year, ethnicity, and other socio-cultural factors including macro-economical and geographical influences. The problem with researching this specific information is that there are always factors that contribute to wages going up and down. In essence, wages in 2005 might be significantly different in 2010. The research cannot compare and contrast expecting to find a correlation, but the purpose can be in finding the relation between wages and environmental factors. The reason for the importance of this research paper is because it provides basic data from that year about wages in the circumstance that the country was in. Elaboration of the problem definition will also take place. Questions to be answered in the research consist of "who, what, when, where, how" did the problem arise based on statistical information other alternative theories could arise. Research hypothesis will furthermore elaborate on the possible reasons for the statistical information being contemporary. The research paper will produce three outcomes. Each variable is to have identification, operational, and a level of measurement along with its scale. In further weeks, there will be an analysis that consists of critical points, whic ...
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