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Bio 11 Bonus Paper

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Samantha Puen Bio 11.01-A 193992 September 30, 2019 Bonus Paper on Nutrition Talk What did you learn from the talk? There were 2 parts from the talk: (1) nutrition and diet and (2) exercise. During the first talk, I learned more about the food and drinks I am putting inside my body. I also learned about the different types of diets whether they are more beneficial for you or actually ineffective. My main takeaway from this portion of the talk was that I have to pay more attention to what I eat and be more knowledgeable of the food trends because it has to be tailored for my own lifestyle. During the second talk, I learned more about exercise and physical activity and how it affects your physique and keeps you happy. I saw the difference between the exercise regimen of gaining muscle and losing fat and the difference was the kind of diet I should be having. I also learned that I have to have some physical activity in my life because little exercise is better than no exercise. Overall, I learned how exercise is both beneficial to your physical health and mental health. How will you apply this in your life? For my diet and food intake, I can lessen my sugary food and drinks like cho ...
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