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Earned Value Report

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Civil Engineering
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
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Earned Value Report
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Earned Value Report
In earned value reports, expenditure assigned to multiple activities can create a challenge
for maintaining the accuracy of earned value (EV) reports, especially as these reports require
costs to be reported for each project activity. However, to fix this issue, project cost controllers
can take a series of steps. These steps include gathering performance information, determining
schedule status, determining cost status, forecasting, and reporting (Killough, 2021). In the first
step, the controller would need to gather information about each activity within the shared
expenditure. Such information should include task name, start and end dates, budget, and how
much work has been completed for each of these tasks. This information would help establish the
percentage cost or expenditure of each activity in the overall shared expenditure. The next step
involves determining the schedule status. According to Killough (2021), this determination helps
to highlight if tasks are behind or ahead of schedule. In the third step, the controller should then
determine the cost status, focusing on whether tasks are over or under their allocated budget.
Once all this information about schedule and cost status has been obtained, the controller can
then forecast the cost of each activity sharing in the shared expenditure. This forecasting will be
based on the percentage of each task, whether the task is ahead or behind schedule, and whether
the task is over or below budget (Killough, 2021). Through this determination, the cost controller
would then be able to forecast and estimate the cost of each activity from the shared expenditure
and record the cost of each task independently. Such reporting ensures that the earned value
report accuracy is maintained by showing the cost of each activity independently, making it easy
to compare planned, earned, and actual values.

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1 Earned Value Report Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructor Date 2 Earned Value Report In earned value reports, expenditure assigned to multiple activities can create a challenge for maintaining the accuracy of earned value (EV) reports, especially as these reports require costs to be reported for each project activity. However, to fix this issue, project cost controllers can take a series of steps. These steps include gathering performance information, determining schedule status, determining cost status, forecasting, and reporting (Killough, 2021). In the first step, the controller would need to gather information about each activity within the shared expenditure. Such information should include task name, start and end dates, budget, and how much work has been completed for each of these tasks. This information would help establish the percentage cost or exp ...
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