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Do You Think The Nafta Is Beneficial Or Harmful To The Us Economy

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Los Angeles Pierce College
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Running head: DISCUSSION 3 - NAFTA & EU 1
Discussion 3- NAFTA & EU
Author’s name
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1. Do you think the NAFTA is beneficial or harmful to the US economy?
I think that NAFTA is beneficial to the US economy. This is because it eliminated the tariffs that
existed before easing trade therefore facilitating easier operations and trading between the 3
countries; Canada, US, AND Mexico. It also led to the increase in the wages, therefore workers
felt more motivated. Through agreements on trade, NAFTA emphasized on international rights
for investors encouraging trade and reducing the high cost of commerce (Orme & University of
Texas, 1998).
2. EU - Do you think it is beneficial or harmful to have a unified Europe? Should UK
move ahead with 'Brexit'? Why or why not? Brexit is the term given to Britain
exiting the EU.
It is beneficial to have Europe unified. The Brexit move is not a wise one. If the UK is not part of
the EU, it will affect the country’s trade. Any products brought into and out of the country will
be expensive. Therefore, costs of products will be high and the UK will be treated just like any
other nations outside the EU meaning that import tariffs will be high. This will push away
investors and therefore affect the country’s economy.

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Running head: DISCUSSION 3 - NAFTA & EU Discussion 3- NAFTA & EU Author’s name Institutional Affiliation 1 DISCUSSION 3 - NAFTA & EU 2 1. Do you think the NAFTA is beneficial or harmful to the US economy? I think that NAFTA is beneficial to the US economy. This is because it eliminated the tariffs that existed before easing trade therefore facilitating easier operations and trading between the 3 countries; Canada, US, AND Mexico. It also led to the increase in the wages, therefore workers felt more motivated. Through agreements on trade, NAFTA emphasized on international rights for investors encouraging trade and reducing the high cost of commerce (Orme & University of Texas, 1998). 2. EU - Do you think it is beneficial or harmful to have a unified Europe? Should UK move ahead with 'Brexit'? Why or why not? Brexit is the term given to Britain exiting the EU. It is beneficial to h ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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