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Connective and muscle tissue

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CELLULAR PATHOLOGY 1A THEORY I.N. NGCAKAZA CONNECTIVE AND MUSCLE TISSUE 02/05/2017 CONNECTIVE TISSUE (CT) Connective tissue is one of the four tissue types found throughout the body. Its main function is to connect together and provide structural and metabolic support to other tissues and organs in the body. It consists of three different elements: fibres, cells and amorphous ground substances. These elements vary in amount within the different tissue types. CONNECTIVE TISSUE (CT) Are divides into the following groups: - Connective tissue proper: loose or areolar,dense,adipose and reticular - Cartilage: hyaline elastic and fibrocartilage - Bone: spongy and dense - Blood - Blood forming (hemopoietic) Types of Connective tissues: • • • • • • • Areolar tissue Adipose tissue Myxoid connective tissue Dense connective tissue Cartilage Bone Blood CONNECTIVE TISSUE CELLS • • • • • • • • Fibroblasts Histiocytes Adipose cells Mast cells Reticular cells Osteoblasts and osteocytes Chondroblasts and chondrocytes Blood cells and blood forming cells CONNECTIVE TISSUE FIBERS When we use special stains to demonstrate connective tissue elements in the histopathology laboratory, we are interested in the fibers or cells of connective tissue proper. The ground substance of connective tissue proper is a mucopolysaccharide and is demonstrated with carbohydrate staining techniques. The fibres of connective tissue proper are: Collagen fibers, Elastic fibers ...
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