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Foods to avoid on a plant based diet 1

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Harmful foods for a plant based diet
Cookies, nachos, onion rings, tastes so good but what do you think about its nutritional
value? These nutrient-deficient foods are actually very harmful to our body. They
contain high levels of fats, salt and sugar and lacks nutrients such as fiber, vitamins and
minerals. And it is analyzed that most of the public schools an institutions who provide
food to the students lack such necessary nutrients. This junk food fall into the category
of either "snack food" or "fast food." So, let’s dive into some unhealthy foods that you
should avoid in your diet.
The foods that are listed below must be avoided by all of us, including kids and old
people and especially if you are eating a whole food plant-based diet, you must know
these unhealthy stuff.
Refined grains are as follows: White rice, bagels, white pasta, white bread, etc. Refined
Grains Are Extremely Unhealthy. Do you know the reason behind this? Refined grains
undergo a process of removal of carbohydrate content. The carbs have been separated
from the fiber, and perhaps even ground into flour, which then become easily accessible
to the body's digestive enzymes. For this reason, they get broken down fast, and can
lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels when consumed.
Packaged and convenience foods with lot of preservatives added: Chips, crackers,
cereal bars, frozen dinners, etc.
Say no to vegetable oils. Vegetable oils like soybean oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, olive
oil are rich in omega 6 that causes accelerated growth of cancer cells, blood clotting
and increased inflammation in the body. Olive oil offers numerous health benefits, but
you must be aware of the myths that are revolving around.

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Harmful foods for a plant based diet Cookies, nachos, onion rings, tastes so good but what do you think about its nutritional value? These nutrient-deficient foods are actually very harmful to our body. They contain high levels of fats, salt and sugar and lacks nutrients such as fiber, vitamins and minerals. And it is analyzed that most of the public schools an institutions who provide food to the students lack such necessary nutrients. This junk food fall into the category of either "snack food" or "fast food." So, let’s dive into some unhealthy foods that you should avoid in your diet. Th ...
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