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List of ss pamphlets

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LIST OF S[tationery] S[ervice] PAMPHLETS
Compiled by
Peter E. Hodgkinson, Simon Justice and Tony Ball
CDS 2 Notes from the Front (December 1914)
CDS 3 Notes from the Front Part II (May 1915)
CDS 4 Notes from the Front Part III and Further Notes on Field Defences (February 1915)
SS 23 Preliminary Deductions, for Instruction, from Recent Engagements, translated from the French
(November 1915)
CDS 24 Object and Conditions of Combined Offensive Action (translated from the French) (June 1915)
CDS 36 Notes on the Tactical Employment of Machine Guns and Lewis Guns (June 1915)
CDS 38 Fire by Selected Batteries (July 1915)
CDS 50 Tactical Notes (31 July 1915)
CDS 53 Notes from the Front, Part IV (May 1915)
CDS 92 Notes on Artillery Observation from Kite Balloons (November 1915)
CDS 93 Report on Experimental Firing with 18pr Shrapnel and H.E. at Calais (November 1915)
CDS 98/1 Artillery Notes No. 1: Close Shooting in the Field (January 1916)
CDS 98/2 Artillery Notes No. 2: Field Artillery Ammunition (January 1916)
CDS 98/4 Artillery Notes No. 4: Artillery in Offensive Operations (April 1916)
CDS 98/5 Artillery Notes No. 5: Wire Cutting by Artillery (February 1916 and June 1916)
CDS 98/6 Artillery Notes No. 6: Trench Mortars (March 1916)
CDS 303 Experiences Gained in the Winter Battle in Champagne from the Point of View of the Organisation
of the Enemy’s Lines of Defence and the Means of Combating an Attempt to Pierce Our Line, Third
Army HQ (14
April 1915).
CDS 304 Proposals for the Technical Methods to be Adopted in an Attempt to Break Through a Strongly
Fortified Position, Based on the Knowledge Acquired from the Errors which Appear to have been
Committed by the French Army During the Winter Campaign in Champagne, Third Army HQ (14
April 1915).
CDS 333 A Study of the Attack in the Present Phase of War: Impressions and Reflections of a Company
Commander (December 1915) [Translation of Laffargue Manual]
SS 71 Reports on the Subject of German ‘Flammenwerfer’ (1915)
SS 98 Artillery in Offensive Operations
SS 100 Notes on Wireless
SS 106 Notes on the Tactical Employment of Machine Guns and Lewis Guns (March 1916)
SS 107 Notes on Minor Enterprises [i.e. trench raids] (March 1916)
SS 109 Training of Divisions for Offensive Action (8 May 1916)
SS 110 Preliminary Notes on the Tactical Lessons of the Recent Operations
SS 111 Gas
SS 113 Notes on the Attack: Impressions of a Battalion Commander (Nov 1915, translated 1916)
SS 114 Notes on the Care of Guns During Prolonged Bombardments (March 1917)
SS 117 Summary of the French Instructions for Higher Formations in the Attack (July 1916)
SS 119 Preliminary Notes on the Tactical Lessons of the Recent Operations (July 1916)
SS 120 Provisional Instructions for Cooperation between Aeroplanes and Artillery during an Advance (Sept
SS 122 Some Notes on Lewis Guns and Machine Guns (Sept 1916)
SS 123 Notes on the Use of Carrier Pigeons
SS 124 Notes for Artillery Officers on Shoots with Aeroplane Observation (August 1916)
SS 125 Instructions for Training (Various editions from June 1917)
SS 126 The Training and Employment of Bombers (Sept 1916)
SS 130 Notes on the Employment of 4" Stokes Mortar Bombs (November 1917)
SS 131 Co-Operation of Aircraft with Artillery (December 1916, August 1917, and December 1917)
SS 132 Co-operation Between Aircraft and Infantry (April 1918)
SS 133 no proper title; standardized markings for bombardment maps (30 November 1916)
SS 134 Instructions on the Use of Lethal and Lachrymatory Shell (December 1916 and March 1918)
SS 135 Instructions for the Training of Divisions for Offensive Action (Dec 1916); later The Training and
Employment of Divisions (1918)
SS 137 Recreational Training

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SS 138/3 Effect on Enemy of Our Gas Attacks (1917)
SS 139/1 Artillery Notes No. 1, Close Shooting in the Field, Notes for Infantry Officers (March 1917)
SS 139/3 Artillery Notes No. 3, Counter-Battery Work (March 1917 and February 1918)
SS 139/4 Artillery Notes No. 4, Artillery in Offensive Operations (February 1917)
SS 139/7 Artillery Notes No. 7, Artillery in Defensive Operations (February 1918)
SS 143 Instructions for the Training of Platoons for Offensive Action, 1917 (Feb, 1917)
SS 144 The Normal Formation for the Attack (Feb 1917)
SS 148 Intercommunication in the Field
SS 149 Notes on Meteorological Telegrams to the Artillery (March 1917)
SS 151 Notes and Information from Captured Enemy (German) Documents (March 1917 to August 1918)
SS 152 Instructions for the Training of the British Armies in France (Provisional)
(June 1917 and January 1918)
SS 152 Instructions for Training within Schools at GHQ, Army and Corps Level
SS 153 Notes on the 08 German Maxim Gun (April 1917)
SS 155 Notes on Dealing with Hostile Machine Guns in an Advance (April 1917)
SS 156 Notes on Recent Operations, Compiled by GS Fourth Army (April 1917)
SS 157 Report on the Overseas Artillery School, Salisbury Plain November 1916 March 1917 (May 1917)
SS 158 Notes on Recent Operations on the Front of First, Third, Fourth and Fifth
Armies (May 1917)
SS 159 Tactical Schemes to Train Junior Officers and NCOs
SS 160 Notes on Recent Operations (Spring 1917)
SS 161 Instructions for Battle (May 1917)
SS 162 Notes on Identification of Aeroplanes
SS 164 Notes on the Use of Tanks (May 1917)
SS 168 Notes on the Employment of Serviceable Guns and Trench Mortars captured from the Enemy
(June 1917)
SS 170 Notes on Co-operation between Aircraft and Artillery during recent operations on the Second Army
Front (June 1917)
SS 171 Notes on Inventions and New Stores (series)
SS 172 Preliminary Notes on Recent Operations on the front of Second Army (July 1917)
SS 175 The Use of Smoke
SS 184 Gas Warfare, Monthly Summary of Information
SS 185 Assault Training (Sept 1917)
SS 188 Offence versus Defence in the Air October, 1917
SS 191 Intercommunication in the Field
SS 192 The Employment of Machine Guns: Part 1 Tactical (Jan 1918)
SS 194 Instructions for Wearing the Equipment for Carrying Lewis Gun Magazines (Oct 1916)
SS 195 Scouting and Patrolling (Dec 1917)
SS 196 Diagrams of Field Defences
SS 197 The Tactical Employment of Lewis Guns (Jan, 1918)
SS 199 Co-operation of Sound Ranging Sections and Observation Groups with Artillery (Provisional)
(November 1917)
SS 199/1 Ranging with Observation by the Field Survey Company (May 1918)
SS 201/3 Machine Gun Notes (July 1918)
SS 203 Instructions for Anti-Tank Defence
SS 204 Infantry and Tank Co-operation and Training
SS 205 Notes on Observation from Aeroplanes April 1918
SS 210 The Division in Defence (May 1918)
SS 214 Tanks and their Employment in Co-operation with Other Arms (Aug 1918)
SS 217 Instructions for the Employment of 'B.B.' Shell (September 1918)
SS 218 Operations by the Australian Corps against Hamel, Bois de Hamel, and Bois de Vaire, 4th of July
1918 (July 1918)
SS 350 Silhouettes of Aeroplanes and Airships 1916
SS 356 Handbook of the German Army in War (Jan 1917) later German Army Handbook (April 1918)
SS 388 Defensive Measures Against Gas Attacks (Jan 1916)
SS 398 The Training and Employment of Bombers (March 1916). Replaces CDS 74
SS 394 Notes on German Army Corps: XIV Reserve Corps & 52
Division (March 1916)
SS 419 Defensive Measures Against Gas Attacks (May 1916) Replaces SS388
SS 421B Circular Memorandum on Courts-Martial (August 1918) Replaces SS142a
SS 424 Notes on German Army Corps: IX Reserve Corps (May 1916)
SS 447 Duties and Employment of the 4
Artillery Survey Section (Artillerie-Messtrupp) and the 49
Ranging Section (Schallmesstrupp). (18
April 1916)

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LIST OF S[tationery] S[ervice] PAMPHLETS Compiled by Peter E. Hodgkinson, Simon Justice and Tony Ball CDS 2 CDS 3 CDS 4 SS 23 CDS 24 CDS 36 CDS 38 CDS 50 CDS 53 CDS 92 CDS 93 CDS 98/1 CDS 98/2 CDS 98/4 CDS 98/5 CDS 98/6 CDS 303 CDS 304 CDS 333 SS 71 SS 98 SS 100 SS 106 SS 107 SS 109 SS 110 SS 111 SS 113 SS 114 SS 117 SS 119 SS 120 SS 122 SS 123 SS 124 SS 125 SS 126 SS 130 SS 131 SS 132 SS 133 SS 134 SS 135 SS 137 Notes from the Front (December 1914) Notes from the Front Part II (May 1915) Notes from the Front Part III and Further Notes on Field Defences (February 1915) Preliminary Deductions, for Instruction, from Recent Engagements, translated from the French (November 1915) Object and Conditions of Combined Offensive Action (translated from the French) (June 1915) Notes on the Tactical Employment of Machine Guns and Lewis Guns (June 1915) Fire by Selected Batteries (July 1915) Tactical Notes (31 July 1915) Notes from the Front, Part IV (May 1915) Notes on Artillery Observation from Kite Balloons (November 1915) Report on Experimental Firing with 18pr Shrapnel and H.E. at Calais (November 1915) Artillery Notes No. 1: Close Shooting in the Field (January 1916) Artillery Notes No ...
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