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Mathematical Excel Model

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UNC chapel hill
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Excel 1 - Last Name, First Name Problem 1 a. b. c. d. e. f. 11.5 -15 700.0000043 11.47213595 1.491824698 6.15 Problem 2 Time Amount 0 10 5 119 10 513 15 651 20 662 25 664 30 665 140 10.6 150 13.7 Problem 2 800 Time 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 25 30 35 Amount a. b. Polynomial Problem 2 800 Time 600 400 200 0 -200 0 Problem 3 Weight Calories used 90 4.3 5 10 100 5.6 15 20 Amount 110 6.9 Problem 3 Calories used 15 10 5 120 8.5 130 9.8 Calories used 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 Weight a. b. The data fit to linear Problem 3 Calories used 15 y = 0.1468x - 9.1286 10 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 Weight c. d. e. 6.202 It was linear interpolation because 105 lbs lies inside the datapoints. 20.072 It was linear extrapolation because 200 lbs lies outside the datapoints. 9.122 It was linear interpolation because 125 lbs lies inside the datapoints. Problem 4 Cups Cost 0 45 5 47.25 10 49.5 15 51.75 20 54 25 56.25 Cost Cost 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Cups a. b. c. d. e. f. The data fit by linear y=0.45x + 45 0.45 This means that the the cost is rising 0.45 ince this slope is positive. This value is profit function p(x), where x is the cost of coffee. 146.25 As we predict the number of the cost of selling 225 cups per day, we get 146.2 which indicate 85.5 This prediction is a linear extrapolation, since it lies outside the datapoints. Problem 5 a. t h 0 0 b. 2.5 100 3 96 3.5 84 4 64 4.5 36 height _time 120 10 ...
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