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Negotiation 1
Communication Assignment
By FirstName LastName
The Name of the Class
Professor's Name
City and State of University

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Negotiation 2
Question 1
Benjamin sent a questionnaire to the Chinese team to acquire information about project
parameters from the case study. These included specifications and products to be made, budget
capacity for the brewery, and business plans. The decision helped him come up with a decision on
which kind of business to pitch for. Further, it enabled him to gauge if the project's tendering process
was an idea that was worth investing in. Similarly, he had conducted in-depth research on everything
he could about the Chinses market, the company seeking to develop a brewery, and the beer industry
at large. This helped him decide which technology was best to offer to the Chinese team. Further,
Benjamin offered to utilize his technology expertise in collaboration with his team to create a brief and
handed it over to the Guangzhou company. This was also of significant value since it helped them build
relationships, which helped him win the project tendering process. Other companies, the Germans, the
French, and the Belgians, failed to take such initiative as Benjamin did. Lastly, he used his Australian-
Chinese employees, who helped him comprehend the Chinese culture.
Question 2
I agree with the statement that "Benjamin understood the concept of face." From the case study,
it's all clear that success can be brewed by simply giving Face. In the above case scenario, Benjamin
understood Face's concept, which made him successful in Chinese business. Some statements that
approve the assertion are that Benjamin respected and honored the Chinese business culture. He
strived and was keen at understanding all the minute elements of doing business in China. Being a
premier brewery developer and builder in Australia made him also successful in China. Further, he was
aware that the only way the Chinese would accept foreigners was if the foreigner would offer new
technologies to them, which is exactly what he did. He conducted extensive research to understand the
Chinese market, which helped him understand the strengths of his business and what his business
provided, whatever the Chinese business lacked (Ioniță, 2018) Also, Benjamin has learned how to
maintain good relationships with competitors, which is evident since he realized that negotiations
revolved around technology and price. Through integrating the Chinese into the core team, Benjamin
succeeded in eliminating all the likelihood of misunderstandings during negotiations. With this, he
understood the Chinese tactics.
Question 3

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Negotiation 1 Communication Assignment By FirstName LastName The Name of the Class Professor's Name University City and State of University Date Negotiation 2 Question 1 Benjamin sent a questionnaire to the Chinese team to acquire information about project parameters from the case study. These included specifications and products to be made, budget capacity for the brewery, and business plans. The decision helped him come up with a decision on which kind of business to pitch for. Further, it enabled him to gauge if the project's tendering process was an idea that was worth investing in. Similarly, he had conducted in-depth research on everything he could about the Chinses market, the company seeking to develop a brewery, and the beer industry at large. This helped him decide which technology was best to offer to the Chinese team. Further, Benjamin offered to utilize his technology expertise in collaboration with his team to create a brief and handed it over to the Guangzhou company. This was also of significant value since it helped them build relationships, which helped him win the project tendering process. Other companies, the Germans, the French, and the Belgians, failed to take such initiative as Benjamin did. Lastly, he used his AustralianChinese employees, who helped him comprehend the Chinese culture. Question 2 I agree with the statement that "Benjamin understood the concept of face." From the case study, it's all clear that success can be brewed by simply givin ...
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