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Course Syllabus OPMG-UB-15
INSTRUCTOR: Michael Pinedo, Room KMC 8-59
Phone: 212-998-0287; Email:
This undergraduate elective course focuses on products and processes in financial
services. It analyzes the design and the operations of the different distribution
channels (branches, ATMs, call centers, www, etc.) of the various types of
financial institutions and considers productivity measurements as well as
performance measurements. It goes into quality control issues and analyzes
operational risk. It concludes with the design and implementation of decision
support systems in practice.
Requirements and Grading:
The grading in this course is based on homework and assignments, a project and an
open book take-home final exam.
Assignments. There will be 6 assignments during the course. Each
assignment has to be done individually and will be a minimum of 1
page write-up and a maximum of 2 pages. A sample of past assignments
is given in the last part of this syllabus.
Project. The projects have to be done in groups of two. It may be a
project at the site of one of the group members work or it may be a
study of a current operational issue in the financial services industry. A
progress report on the project is due by the spring break. (Progress
report should be 4-5 pages.) These progress reports will give me some
opportunity to give comments and advice on the project. In the last
session of the course, each group will give a 10-12 minute Powerpoint
presentation of their project. (Examples of final reports of past projects
can be found on the website of the course.)
Final Exam. Take home and open book. However, it should be done
within a time frame of three consecutive hours. You have to find these

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three hours within 10 days after the last day of class.
The grade is based 30 percent on the homework, 40 percent on the project and 30
percent on the final.
Required Course Material:
" Creating Value in Financial Services'' edited by Melnick, Nayyar, Pinedo,
Seshadri. (In what follows this text is abbreviated as MNPS).
There is a case packet that you can buy at the bookstore. The cases are listed in
the appendix of this syllabus
There is a course packet with additional materials that will be handed out in
class. The contents of this course packet are listed in the appendix of this

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STERN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS NEW YORK UNIVERSITY OPERATIONS IN FINANCIAL SERVICES Course Syllabus OPMG-UB-15 INSTRUCTOR: Michael Pinedo, Room KMC 8-59 Phone: 212-998-0287; Email: COURSE DESCRIPTION This undergraduate elective course focuses on products and processes in financial services. It analyzes the design and the operations of the different distribution channels (branches, ATMs, call centers, www, etc.) of the various types of financial institutions and considers productivity measurements as well as performance measurements. It goes into quality control issues and analyzes operational risk. It concludes with the design and implementation of decision support systems in practice. Requirements and Grading: The grading in this course is based on homework and assignments, a project and an open book take-home final exam. Assignments. There will be 6 assignments during the course. Each assignment has to be done individually and will be a minimum of 1 page write-up and a maximum of 2 pages. A sample of past assignments is given in the last part of this syllabus. Project. The projects have to be done in groups of two. It may be a project at the site of one of the group member's work or it may be a study of a current operational issue in the financial services industry. A progress report on the project is due by the spring break. (Progress report should be 4-5 pages.) These progress reports will give me some opportunity to give comments and adv ...
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