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Clemenson Imaging Second Quarter Mobile Image Procedures Technician Donna McFarland MaryAnne Vonbank Jonathan Douglas Samantha Woods Annie Olander Patti Lynfield James Boyd Donna McFarland MaryAnne Vonbank Annie Olander Patti Lynfield James Boyd Donna McFarland MaryAnne Vonbank MaryAnne Vonbank Jonathan Douglas Samantha Woods Annie Olander Patti Lynfield James Boyd Jonathan Douglas Samantha Woods Annie Olander Patti Lynfield MaryAnne Vonbank Donna McFarland James Boyd Jonathan Douglas Annie Olander Patti Lynfield MaryAnne Vonbank Donna McFarland James Boyd Jonathan Douglas MaryAnne Vonbank Patti Lynfield Location Green Bay Manitowoc Appleton Green Bay Green Bay Manitowoc Manitowoc Appleton Appleton Green Bay Appleton Manitowoc Manitowoc Appleton Appleton Green Bay Appleton Green Bay Manitowoc Manitowoc Appleton Appleton Green Bay Manitowoc Appleton Appleton Green Bay Appleton Green Bay Manitowoc Appleton Green Bay Manitowoc Appleton Green Bay Manitowoc Date Patients Image Type 4/4/2016 4 Dexascan 4/8/2016 5 CT Scan 4/10/2016 1 MRI 4/20/2016 6 Ultrasonography 4/22/2016 5 Angiography 4/27/2016 3 Dexascan 4/30/2016 4 MRI 5/2/2016 1 MRI 5/5/2016 3 Angiography 5/8/2016 2 Angiography 5/10/2016 6 Ultrasonography 5/12/2016 2 Ultrasonography 5/14/2016 3 MRI 5/16/2016 12 Dexascan 5/18/2016 5 Dexascan 5/20/2016 3 CT Scan 5/22/2016 1 CT Scan 5/24/2016 4 MRI 5/26/2016 4 MRI 5/28/2016 8 CT Scan 5/30/2016 2 CT Scan 6/1/2016 3 MRI 6/3/2016 1 MRI 6/5/2016 6 Ultrasonography 6/7/2016 1 MRI 6/ ...
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