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Concepts Of Nursing Epidemiology And Nursing Research

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Aspen University
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Concepts of Nursing Epidemiology and Nursing Research
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The concepts of epidemiology and nursing research are grounded on causative agents
of a communicable disease spreading from an infected person or animal to another
unsuspecting host. Communicable diseases are infections that can be transmitted from one
person to another. These diseases are usually preventable as interventions aim at each phase
of developing the disease, and the infection chain can help mitigate the spread. The majority
of these diseases usually affect the marginalized and the poor in the community. The disease
usually causes serious socio-economic effects as many funds are used to treat them, and the
productivity of the people decreases when they have a disease. Healthcare workers have an
essential role to play in controlling and preventing diseases through the application of
effective and efficient interventions based on scientific pieces of evidence.
HIV/AIDS; causes, mode of transmission, symptoms, treatment, complications, and
A worldwide recognized communicable disease is the Human immunodeficiency
virus. It is a sexually transmitted infection that is spread to people when the body fluids such
as blood, vaginal fluids, and semen come into contact with those from an infected person
(Johanson, 2017). It is transmitted in several ways, such as unprotected sex with infected
persons, oral sex, and anal sex. Sharing personal items such as nail cutters or syringes,
especially in drug addicts, can spread the infections to other people when blood with the virus
comes into contact with their skin or mucous membranes. Blood transfusion through the use
of blood infected with HIV/AIDS can cause people to contract the disease (Johanson, 2017).
The virus attacks and kills the immune system cells until the body can no longer defend
against attacks lodged from foreign infections that are not customarily considered life-
threatening, such as fungal infections.

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1 Concepts of Nursing Epidemiology and Nursing Research Student’s Name: School’s name: Course: Instructor’s Name: Date: 2 Introduction The concepts of epidemiology and nursing research are grounded on causative agents of a communicable disease spreading from an infected person or animal to another unsuspecting host. Communicable diseases are infections that can be transmitted from one person to another. These diseases are usually preventable as interventions aim at each phase of developing the disease, and the infection chain can help mitigate the spread. The majority of these diseases usually affect the marginalized and the poor in the community. The disease usually causes serious socio-economic effects as many funds are used to treat them, and the productivity of the people decreases when they have a disease. Healthcare workers have an essential role to play in controlling and preventing diseases through the application of effective and efficient interventions based on scientific pieces of evidence. HIV/AIDS; causes, mode of transmission, symptoms, treatment, complications, and epidemiology A worldwide recognized communicable disease is the Human immunodeficiency virus. It is a sexually transmitted infection that is spread to people when the body fluids such as blood, vaginal fluids, and semen come into contact with those from an infected person (Johanson, 2017). It is transmitted in several ways, such as unprotected sex with infected persons, oral sex, and anal s ...
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