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Question One
President Bush viewed America as a new world order. His aim was that America is like
international police and tried the policy by ordering troops to go and overthrow the General
Antonio government in Panama. He also attempted to end Saddam Hussein's rule in Kuwait so
that he protects America's oil supplies. Clinton, on the other hand, wanted to focus on domestic
affairs that preserved human rights both internationally and nationally(Murrin, Johnson &
McPherson, 2012). He also gave support to the Oslo Accord that was aiming for peace talks
between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization.
Question Two
The entire region of the world experienced an increase in religion that frequently led to
terrorism. There was a vast number of immigrants that divided themselves, leading to a rise in
poverty and crime since there were no job opportunities and little education. The Asian-Americans
acquired knowledge, and they entered in various working fields. The African-American also
acquired education, and this led to many people looking for a job and hence making individuals to
be poor and even end up in prison. The Republicans had the aim of pushing for traditional family
values while several societies didn't notice the importance of following. The democrats were
interesting in solving racial discrimination across the nation.
Question 3
The 2000 election was between George and Al Gore. The supreme court played a vital role
across the country in the 2000 presidential election. This election is known to be one of the polls
that were close to the country's history, and this was because of the slight difference in the ballot
(Murrin et al.,2012). The supreme court ruled that there was to a recount of votes manually and
this was unconstitutional. There was a little division in the country due to this election.

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1 Running head: QUESTIONS Questions Student’s Name Institution of Affiliation QUESTIONS 2 Question One President Bush viewed America as a new world order. His aim was that America is like international police and tried the policy by ordering troops to go and overthrow the General Antonio government in Panama. He also attempted to end Saddam Hussein's rule in Kuwait so that he protects America's oil supplies. Clinton, on the other hand, wanted to focus on domestic affairs that preserved human rights both internationally and nationally(Murrin, Johnson & McPherson, 2012). He also gave support to the Oslo Accord that was aiming for peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Question Two The entire region of the world experienced an increase in religion that frequently led to terrorism. There was a vast number of immigrants that divided themselves, leading to a rise in poverty and crime since there were no job opportunities and little education. The Asian-Americans acquired knowledge, and they entered in various working fields. The African-American also acquired education, and this led to many people looking for a job and hence making individuals to ...
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