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William Faulkner

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Washington Adventist University
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Running head: WILLIAM FAULKNER 1
William Faulkner
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

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William Faulkner 2
William Faulkner
William Faulkner was born in Mississippi on 25th September 1897 and died on 6th July
1962. He authored novels, screenplays, essays, poetry, short stories, and a play. He is mostly
known for short stories and novels. He is one of the renowned American writers generally in
American literature and specifically in Southern literature (Kirchdorfer, 2015). This presentation
aims to define literary terminology associated with coming of age literature and bibliography
about Faulkner and his contribution related to coming of age movement.
Literary terminology in Barn Burning
The most notable of Faulkner’s literary works is his short story entitled “Barn Burning,”
which is about the poor, written in the 1930s. Here, a teenage boy, Sarty, of the Snopes Family,
encounters a complex dilemma of the inherent emergent sense of morality to be just in all
mannerisms versus blood loyalty (Zeidanin & Matarneh, 2018). In the courtroom, he was to
testify against his father, Abner Snopes, who had just burnt the barn belonging to Harris, a
farmer. The boy is in a dilemma of maintaining blood ties and being just and honest by speaking
the truth in court. He endures psychological torture even as he comes to age, distinguishing right
from wrong.
Faulkner employed many literary terms in here. Foreshadowing, which leaves the reader
in suspense, is used to keep readers guessing what Sarty will do next and why (Kirchdorfer,
2015). He finds himself in bondage to blood ties, as he does not want to betray his father. After
that, forcefully lays hold of his independence.

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Running head: WILLIAM FAULKNER William Faulkner Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 William Faulkner 2 William Faulkner Introduction William Faulkner was born in Mississippi on 25th September 1897 and died on 6th July 1962. He authored novels, screenplays, essays, poetry, short stories, and a play. He is mostly known for short stories and novels. He is one of the renowned American writers generally in American literature and specifically in Southern literature (Kirchdorfer, 2015). This presentation aims to define literary terminology associated with coming of age literature and bibliography about Faulkner and his contribution related to coming of age movement. Literary terminology in Barn Burning The most notable of Faulkner’s literary works is his short story entitled “Barn Burning,” which is about the poor, written in the 1930s. Here, a teenage boy, Sarty, of the Snopes Family, encounters a complex dilemma of the inherent emergent sense of morality to be just in all mannerisms versus blood loyalty (Zeidanin & Matarneh, 2018). In the courtroom, he was to testify against his father, Abner Snopes, who had just burnt the barn belonging to Harris, a farmer. The boy is in a dilemma of maintaining blood ties and being just and honest by speaking the truth in court. He endures psychological torture even as he comes to age, distinguishing right from wrong. Foreshadowing Faulkner employed many literary terms in here. Foreshadowing, which leaves the reader in susp ...
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