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Bs bsc mcqs zoology

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Department of Zoology B.Sc. First Semester Protozoa to Annelida-I (Paper No I) Multiple Choice Question 1. The causative organism of gambian fever a) Leishmania b) Trypanosoma c) Amoeba d) Entamoeba 2. Name the rectal ciliate a) Paramecium b) Plasmodium c) Opalina d) Actinophrys 3. ‘Aristotle lantern‘is seen in a) Antedon b) Star fish c) Echinus d) Ophiothrix 4. The connecting link between annelids and arthropods is a) Nereis b) Belostoma c) Peripatus d) Balanus 5. The animal which causes parasitic castration is a) Eupagurus b) Sacculina c) Crab d) Lepisma 6. The first larvae of penaeus a) Zoea b) Nauplius c) Mysis d) Protozoea 7. Name the mushroom coral a) Favia b) Fungia c) Madrepora d) Aurelia 8. Name of the phylum to which ‘Arrow worms’ belong to a) Rotifera b) Hemichordata c) Chaetognatha d) Annelida 9. Which of the following is an arachnid ectoparasite? a) Spider b) Scorpion c) Daphnia d) Tick 10. The function of contractile vacuole a) Nutrition b) Reproductionc) Osmoregulation d) Locomotion 11. Mention the class of Echinococcus a) Cestoda b) Trematoda c) Turbularia d) Nematodes 12. The larva of balanoglossus a) Planule b) Trochophore c) Tornaria d) Veliger 13. The reproductive zooids of obelia colony a) Hydrotheca b) Perisarc c) Blastostyle d) manubrium 14. Example of cyclostomata a) Petromyzon b) Ascidia c) Amphioxus d) Narcine 15. Malaria is transmitted through a) Female culex mosquito b) Female anopheles mosquito c) Female aedes mosquito d) None of the abov ...
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