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Article Instructions for Constantine’s Letters

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Article Instructions for Constantine’s Letters
An article to be published is needed to be sent as the .doc (MS Word), .docx (MS Word) or
.rtf text file format along with the .pdf version of the same file. The text has to contain a title
(possibly subtitle), abstract (at least 600 characters without gaps, in Slovak and English), key
words (in Slovak and English), and finally a summary (at least 1000 characters without gaps
in English). After a summary there will be a contact of an author (affinity). This contact has to
include his/her first and last name, titles, an institution where he/she works and an e-mail
address. Preprint manuscripts have to be sent in the Times New Roman font type, size 12,
spacing 1.5 and on the A4 page with the standard parameters.
References are standardly placed under the line in the MS Word or in another text editor.
Names of the author or editor are stated in capital letters. Titles of a monograph, collective
volume, journal or BA, MA, PhDr., PhD thesis are written in italics. If the particular
monograph, collective volume, journal, article or BA, MA, PhDr., PhD thesis has got a
subtitle, apart from the title, they will be detached by a dot and gap. If there are more than
three authors or editors, just the name of the first one will be stated and his/her name is
followed by et al.Behind the name of a collective volume editor is placed the “(ed.)” or
“(eds.)” abbreviation, the latter one in case of more than one editor. The both abbreviations
are terminated by a dot. If there is not an author or editor, a reference will start with the title
of the article. If there is not a place where the monograph, non-periodical collective volume or
BA, MA, PhDr., PhD thesis was published, the “b. m.” abbreviation will be used. In case of
two or more places they are separated by a semi-colon. If there is not a year when the
monograph, collective volume, journal or BA, MA, PhDr., PhD thesis was published, the “b.
r.” abbreviation will be used.
An article can include also supplements. These supplements are illustrations (figures and
figure tables) as well as text tables. Supplements have not to be included in preprint
manuscripts, but an author has to provide them individually. An author of an article has to add
text descriptions to his/her supplements and place them behind a summary in his/her preprint
manuscript. Figures, that are illustrations in the text, have got the “obr.abbreviation. Figure
tables are illustrations or units with more illustrations that are placed behind the main body of
the text, but before a summary. They have got the “tab.” abbreviation. Text tables are word-
numeral compositions of data that are arranged in lines and columns. There is no an
abbreviation for a text table. Supplements have to be cited within round brackets in italics. For
the first time supplements have to be cited in the ascending order. (for example obr. 1, 2, 3,
...). The next references to supplements of an own article are cited randomly.
An author has to provide illustrations in particular quality and file format:
1. black and white drawings has to be provided as 1 bit black and white pictures of 300 dpi
resolution in .tif file format;
2. drawings, pictures and photographs in grey scale are needed to be provided as 8 bit grey
scale pictures of 300 dpi in .jpg file format;
3. colour drawings, pictures and photographs are needed to be provided at least as 24 bit RGB
colour scale pictures of 300 dpi in .jpg file format.
Citation examples
Reference to a supplement of one’s own article
Dolný tok rieky Váh tečie cez Podunajskú nížinu (obr. 1). Na tomto území nadmorská výška
väčšinou nepresahuje 300 m. n. m. Archeologické nálezy tu nachádzame hlavne na

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černozemiach a hnedozemiach (tabela 1). V mojom článku sa budem zaoberať stredovekými
sídliskovými nálezmi z katastra obce Zemné (tab. 1: 1-15).
Reference to a monograph (up to three authors)
GERÁT, Ivan. Svätí bojovníci v stredoveku. Úvahy o obrazových legendách sv. Juraja a sv.
Ladislava na Slovensku. Bratislava 2011, s. 36.
GÜNTHEROVÁ, Alžbeta MIŠIANIK, Ján. Stredoveká knižná maľba na Slovensku.
Bratislava 1961, s. 48.
Reference to a monograph (more than three authors)
RÁBIK, Vladimír et al. Vývoj cirkevnej správy na Slovensku. Development of the Church
Administration in Slovakia. Kraków 2010, s. 212.
Reference to a study in a monograph (more than three authors)
MAREK, Miloš. Formovanie farskej siete na území Nitrianskej župy v stredoveku. In
RÁBIK, Vladimír et al. Vývoj cirkevnej správy na Slovensku. Development of the Church
Administration in Slovakia. Kraków 2010, s. 133.
Reference to an article in a non-periodical collective volume (up to three editors)
CHORVÁTOVÁ, Hana. Podoby rodiny v ranom stredoveku. In KOŽIAK, Rastislav
NEMEŠ, Jaroslav (eds.). Kresťanstvo v časoch sv. Vojtecha. Kraków 2009, s. 142.
Reference to an article in a non-periodical collective volume (more than three editors)
MARSINA, Richard. K začiatkom kristianizácie pri strednom Dunaji. In MICHALOV, Jozef
et al. (eds.). Význam kultúrneho dedičstva sv. Cyrila a Metoda pre Európu. Nitra 2008, s. 15-
Reference to an article in a journal and periodical collective volume
NIŽŇANSKÝ, Eduard. Rokovania nacistického Nemecka o deportáciách Židov v roku 1942
príklad Slovenska, Rumunska a Maďarska. In Historický časopis, roč. 58, 2010, č. 3, s. 471-
Reference to an unpublished BA, MA, PhDr., PhD thesis
BALÁŽOVÁ, Libuša. História textilných materiálov. Diplomová práca. Univerzita
Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre. Nitra 2009, s. 42.
Reference to an archive source
A citation to an archive source is influenced by a particular document and its structure. It is
needed to pay attention to write the most detailed localization (name of an archive, name of an
archive collection) and other details (box, file, number and the like). In case of more than one
references to the particular archive source it is needed to state abbreviation in the first
Slovak national archive in Bratislava (thereinafter SNA), collection (thereinafter c.).
Representative office of the Information and Public Education (thereinafter PIPU), box
(thereinafter b.) 52, number of the unit (n. u.) 785.
Reference to the period public press

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Article Instructions for Constantine’s Letters An article to be published is needed to be sent as the .doc (MS Word), .docx (MS Word) or .rtf text file format along with the .pdf version of the same file. The text has to contain a title (possibly subtitle), abstract (at least 600 characters without gaps, in Slovak and English), key words (in Slovak and English), and finally a summary (at least 1000 characters without gaps in English). After a summary there will be a contact of an author (affinity). This contact has to include his/her first and last name, titles, an institution where he/she works and an e-mail address. Preprint manuscripts have to be sent in the Times New Roman font type, size 12, spacing 1.5 and on the A4 page with the standard parameters. References are standardly placed under the line in the MS Word or in another text editor. Names of the author or editor are stated in capital letters. Titles of a monograph, collective volume, journal or BA, MA, PhDr., PhD thesis are written in italics. If the particular monograph, collective volume, journal, article or BA, MA, PhDr., PhD thesis has got a subtitle, apart from the title, they will be detached by a dot and ...
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