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Socio Autobiography

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Georgian Court University
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Socio-autobiography refers to the socio-autobiography is a "disciplined, systematic
exploration of one's life from a sociological point of view. Socio-autobiography focuses on
how my interaction with their society has shaped my personality. This particular discipline
helps focus on one aspect of my life and interpret it from a sociological perspective. My area
of focus as far as socio-autobiography is concerned is the social ethics. By definition, social
ethics refers to the systematic reflections on the moral dimensions of social structures,
conventions, cultures and the communities. My classic examples of social ethics, my golden
rules, are respect and ‘do unto others what you would love done to you.’
I was born on the hilly areas of Peru and raised there up to the age of 8. Life in Peru
really helped put my social life into perspective. It really played a big part of developing my
sociological thinking. Life was and has always been fun in Peru. Later, our family relocated to
the States where we currently live. Need to say life has always been fun as I have been able to
make acquaintances with lots of people, got to learn new cultures.
Arguably, life at Peru is quite different as compared to the States. In my point of view,
the Peru society was quite different from that of States as the Peru culture way of socialization
and the people there shared a lot more than the community. On the contrary, the people in the
States have unique differences ranging from beliefs, ways of worship, traditions as well as
socialization. This is really influenced by the argument that the States hubs all sorts of cultures
and people of different origin. Having been raised in a self-respected family has really shaped
whom I am today. From childhood, socialization has always been embraced and practiced in
my family from the aspects of sharing things and playing together.
Today, I am really happy to have socialized at young age as this has helped me live
harmoniously with all manner of people. I have made lots of friends, even my girlfriend who
happens to live here. Of course there have been numerous factors that have made me what I

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1 Socio-Autobiography Student’s name Institutional Professor’s name Course Due date 2 Socio-autobiography refers to the socio-autobiography is a "disciplined, systematic exploration of one's life from a sociological point of view. Socio-autobiography focuses on how my interaction with their society has shaped my personality. This particular discipline helps focus on one aspect of my life and interpret it from a sociological perspective. My area of focus as far as socio-autobiography is concerned is the social ethics. By definition, social ethics refers to the systematic reflections on the moral dimensions of social structures, conventions, cultures and the communities. My classic examples of social ethics, my golden rules, are respect and ‘do unto others what you would love done to you.’ I was born on the hilly areas of Peru and raised there up to the age of 8. Life in Peru really helped put my social life into perspective. It really played a big part of developing my sociological thinking. Life was and has always been fun in Peru. Later, our family relocated to the States where we currently live. Need to say life has always been fun as I have been able to make acquaintances with lots of people, got to learn new cultures. Arguably, life at Peru is quite different as compared to the States. In my point of view, the Peru society was quite different from that of States as the Peru culture way of socialization and the people there shared a lot more than the community. ...
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