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Page53 general science for class 7th full course

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Iqra high school
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12 B (crvestigating the space - 53 2 3 8400 write down the short answers to the following Ituestions 2 2D that care the characteristics of black hodes? Alle characteristics of black holes O Black hodes are objects with stong gas gravitational attarction. Š they are objects of extreme density. © Black hodes are invisibely. E when a belach hode is heated it emittes intense radiation. 22% write the sename of our galaxya what is its shapez pus, he name of our roboxy is de midley with it is A spiral type of Jolark 16 contains several Sunated brillions Starr what is conudellam? Nanie fue Mame Consellekin fry the slave which appears in the form Foim of Clased group and patterns are ka ar constellaliens To constellation are al und « Lily Constellation with major constellation 24 slate the big bang theory ...
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