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Parenting Today

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Parenting Today
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Parenting Today
How do Maria Montessori’s ideas differ from those of the preschool teachers in Japan?
What were Montessori’s methods? Do children work in groups or alone? What motivates
children in a Montessori classroom?
Maria Montessori’s ideas differ from those of preschool teachers in Japan since she
concentrates integrating the learning styles with a child’s development process. Moreover, Maria
focuses on the creation of freewill in students. However, Japanese school teachers concentrate on
free play as a mode of learning. In this regard, Montessori’s methods entailed a series of stages
that began with independence and concentration, support for free choice, disapproval of
punishments and rewards, and gradual learning. Moreover, the process concentrated on the
development of individual strengths through additional activities such as development of writing
and reading from the age of four, promotion of discipline as a way of controlling misbehavior,
outdoor learning, and the enhancement of discrimination in fantasy (William Crain, 2005). In
reference to Maria’s technique, what motivates children is the promotion of free choice and drive
for task completion.
How do the children Maria Montessori worked with in the early 1900s differ from children
today in the Japanese preschool?
Children in Maria’s class differed from those in the present Japanese preschool since the
former portrayed different interests as compared to those in Japan. The reason for this is since
children in Japan appreciated combined efforts and integrating with each other in the creation of
an item (William Crain, 2005: Catherine, 1995). Moreover, those in the current Japanese school

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1 Running head: PARENTING Parenting Today Student’s name Student’s institution 2 PARENTING Parenting Today How do Maria Montessori’s ideas differ from those of the preschool teachers in Japan? What were Montessori’s methods? Do children work in groups or alone? What motivates children in a Montessori classroom? Maria Montessori’s ideas differ from those of preschool teachers in Japan since she concentrates integrating the learning styles with a child’s development process. Moreover, Maria focuses on the creation of freewill in students. However, Japanese school teachers concentrate on free play as a mode of learning. In this regard, Montessori’s methods entailed a series of stages that began with independence and concentration, support for free choice, disapproval of punishments and rewards, and gradual learning. Moreover, the process concentrated on the development of individual strengths through additional activities such as development of writing and reading from the age of four, promotion of discipline as a way of controlling misbehavior, outdoor learning, and the enhancement of discrimination in fantasy (William Crain, 2005). In reference to Maria’s technique, what motivates children is the promotion of free choice and drive for task completion. How do the children Maria Montessori worked with in the early 1900s differ from children today in the Japanese preschool? Children in Maria’s class differed from those in the present Japanese preschool since ...
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