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Revised Wannacry Ransomeware

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Computer Science
The University of Texas at Dallas
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WannaCry Ransomware Attack
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WannaCry Ransomware Attack
Why WannaCry Ransomware Should Be Addressed
Wannacry ransomware is a serious cybersecurity issue all over the world. It is a cyber
attack that has spread quickly in many countries, making some significant damage and harm to
individuals and organizations. This attack requires a person or an entity whose computer system
has been affected to pay ransom for their pcs to be unlocked. The Wannacare issue should be
looked into keenly as it costs victims both money and crucial data. When the attack strikes
hospitals, schools, and government systems, it inhibits proper working of the systems and brings
all crucial activities to a halt. In hospital situations, death and injuries mightoccur while the loss
of finances and damage of properties happens in other organizational setups. It is a worldwide
disaster, which has led to billions of dollars in losses and impeded functionality of the most
important institutions.
In the information technology (IT) world, information is preserved digitally, and
everything becomes easier as the data can be accessed whenever needed by just a click. This
advancement has made the life of computer users easier than before. However, digitalization has
its disadvantages. For instance, it has created a security problem to confidential information of
different people who become victims through cyber-attacks,such as malware and Trojan, among
others. Ransomware is also a type of cyber-attack that is transmitted to computer software, and it
is difficult to get rid of.This discussion will focus on the 2017 attack called the WannaCry
Ransomware, with a focus on its origin and effects.
What is WannaCry Ransomware?
WannaCry Ransomware attack was experienced in May 2017 indifferent parts of the
world. It was initiated by theWannaCry Ransomwarecryptoworm.It is arguably the worst attack

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Running head: WANNACRY RANSOMWARE ATTACK1 WannaCry Ransomware Attack Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation WANNACRY RANSOMWARE ATTACK2 WannaCry Ransomware Attack Why WannaCry Ransomware Should Be Addressed Wannacry ransomware is a serious cybersecurity issue all over the world. It is a cyber attack that has spread quickly in many countries, making some significant damage and harm to individuals and organizations. This attack requires a person or an entity whose computer system has been affected to pay ransom for their pcs to be unlocked. The Wannacare issue should be looked into keenly as it costs victims both money and crucial data. When the attack strikes hospitals, schools, and government systems, it inhibits proper working of the systems and brings all crucial activities to a halt. In hospital situations, death and injuries mightoccur while the loss of finances and damage of properties happens in other organizational setups. It is a worldwide disaster, which has led to billions of dollars in losses and impeded functionality of the most important institutions. In the information technology (IT) world, information is preserved digitally, and everything becomes easier as the data can be accessed whenever needed by just a click. This advancement has made the life of computer users easier than before. However, digitalization has its disadvantages. For instance, it has created a security problem to confidential information of different people who become victims through ...
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