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Patient Family Or Population Health Problem Solution

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Capella University
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Older Adult Falls: Nursing Home Solution

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Older Adult Falls: Nursing Home Solution
The nurse has a responsibility to educate their patients about fall risks and preventive
interventions. Patient education may vary in approaches and formats used. In this practicum, a
brochure was used to educate older adults about fall risk and ways to reduce those risks. In
addition to education, a further analysis of patient fall risks was conducted and individual
interventions implemented with at-risk residents in the nursing home. Patient education is an
important activity in increasing awareness and improving fall prevention interventions for all
older adults. This paper is an analysis of the intervention implemented to reduce falls in the
nursing home.
Role of Leadership and Change Management in Addressing Patient Falls
Leadership and change management strategies were used to enhance buy-in and ensure
support for the proposed solution. The practicum site is a nursing home and the problem of
interest is the older adults’ fall rates. A leadership strategy used in developing the solution was
participative leadership. In this approach, leaders integrate the input of other professionals in
crucial decisions to inform the direction of the project and also achieve buy-in and engagement
(Heinen et al., 2019). This was done by involving other nurses in discussing patient fall risks.
This discussion outlined important aspects to be considered such as competing patient needs,
nurse workload, and patients’ reluctance to use some of the fall prevention strategies such as
bedside alarms. A change management strategy that will be used in this case is stakeholder
education. Before educating patients on fall prevention and implementing necessary changes, all
staff involved in fall prevention interventions will be briefed on the proposed solution. By
involving staff in planning and ensuring their awareness of the intervention, the project will gain
support and staff engagement.

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1 Older Adult Falls: Nursing Home Solution Name Institution Course Professor Date 2 Older Adult Falls: Nursing Home Solution The nurse has a responsibility to educate their patients about fall risks and preventive interventions. Patient education may vary in approaches and formats used. In this practicum, a brochure was used to educate older adults about fall risk and ways to reduce those risks. In addition to education, a further analysis of patient fall risks was conducted and individual interventions implemented with at-risk residents in the nursing home. Patient education is an important activity in increasing awareness and improving fall prevention interventions for all older adults. This paper is an analysis of the intervention implemented to reduce falls in the nursing home. Role of Leadership and Change Management in Addressing Patient Falls Leadership and change management strategies were used to enhance buy-in and ensure support for the proposed solution. The practicum site is a nursing home and the problem of interest is the older adults’ fall rates. A leadership strategy used in developing the solution was participative leadership. In this approach, leaders integrate the input of other professionals in crucial decisions to inform the direction of the project and also achieve buy-in and engagement (Heinen et al., 2019). This was done by involving other nurses in discussing patient fall risks. This discussion outlined important aspects to be considered such as ...
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