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Asian Community Report

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Academy of Art University
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Asian Community Report
Student’s Name

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Asian Community Report
Societies differ in their practices and interactions, which often explains the differences
observed between different communities in society. However, it is often possible that the
community’s distinct culture could erode as members of the said society assimilate into other
cultures into their environment. Consequently, one can observe the lack of distinct cultural
differences in metropolitan areas, while the said differences become elaborate as one move to
neighborhoods that largely include members of one culture. The variation would explain my
observation of the differences between different areas in New York, particularly following an
effort to conduct an excursion in Chinatown in Lower Manhattan. Notably, the name of the town
speaks volumes of the area, considering that a majority of the inhabitants of the area are Chinese,
in addition to the significant distinctive aspects of.3 the built environment and qualities of the
population therein.
Spatial Pattern
The spatial pattern in the different streets on which I walked was not much different from
the patterns in other areas. There were a road and a walkway beside it, just adjacent to the
different buildings. However, I noticed that the place was relatively crowded, with the buildings
close to each other, and in some cases with individuals extending their commercial spaces to the
area on the walkway. This ended up creating some crowded environment, especially considering
that there was also significant number of people on the road. However, the case was not
replicated in all areas, as there were streets on which there were limited crowding and
commercial activity. Consequently, the spatial pattern of the Chinatown area could have included
an effort to zone the area into regions that could include commercial activity while others did

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Running head: ASIAN COMMUNITY REPORT Asian Community Report Student’s Name Institution 1 ASIAN COMMUNITY REPORT 2 Asian Community Report Societies differ in their practices and interactions, which often explains the differences observed between different communities in society. However, it is often possible that the community’s distinct culture could erode as members of the said society assimilate into other cultures into their environment. Consequently, one can observe the lack of distinct cultural differences in metropolitan areas, while the said differences become elaborate as one move to neighborhoods that largely include members of one culture. The variation would explain my observation of the differences between different areas in New York, particularly following an effort to conduct an excursion in Chinatown in Lower Manhattan. Notably, the name of the town speaks volumes of the area, considering that a majority of the inhabitants of the area are Chinese, in addition to the significant distinctive aspects of.3 the built environment and qualities of the population therein. Spatial Pattern The spatial pattern in the different streets on which I walked was not much different from the patterns in other areas. There were a road and a walkway beside it, just adjacent to the different buildings. However, I noticed that the place was relatively crowded, with the buildings close to each other, and in some cases with individuals extending their commercial spaces to the ...
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Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.
