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Water Crisis In Middle East

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San Jose State University
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People, Place, and Globalization
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The Middle East has been determined to be the driest region of the earth. Climate change is one of the reasons for
the water crisis in the Middle East. Drought and flood lead to a change in climate, which results in a water crisis.
The increased demand for water is another reason for the water crisis. As the population increases, the consumption
of water increases leading to water shortage. Resource problem is also a reason for water shortage in the Middle
East. When people fail to conserve natural resources, then a water crisis occurs. Intensive deforestation and land
degradation also enhance the water crisis. Poor agricultural policy has led to the overuse of water in both homes and
agricultural fields. The use of outdated irrigation methods results in overuse of water causing water crisis in the
region. The use of leaky pipes has also led to wastage of a large volume of water which sinks underground.
The mass migration within Syria to the cities due to drought before the Civil War had led to increased deforestation,
which led to climate change promoting the water crisis. Movement into urban towns has resulted in
overconsumption of water resulting in a water shortage. The mass migration has also resulted in depletion of natural
resources that causes climate change; hence, lack of water is experienced.
The name of the majority ethnic group that resides in the Maghreb is the Berbers, with Arabs dominating in Egypt.
The physical features in the Maghreb include the Sahara desert and the Atlas Mountains. Egypt possesses the Sinai
Peninsula and River Nile and shares the same realm as the other North African countries.
The first ties between North Africa and the European continent include the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean
Sea. Europe's influence over North Africa is because of its relations with the coast of Morocco across the Straits of
Gibraltar, which is evident in Spain. Europe also has a significant influence since the Roman Empire and during the
time of colonization in North America.
Sudan is the country in the Sahel, where slavery has become prominent. As the government of Sudan denied their
support for Janjaweed, it was challenging to help abolish slavery. Since the price for slaves is also low, it becomes
difficult to intervene. Most of the slaves belonged to the community of the black Arabs; it has become difficult to
succeed in abolishing slavery.
The government of Syria, Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon are different since Syria has a government led by Bashar al-
Assad, who belongs to the Alawites ethnic group. Jordan, on the other hand, is a constitutional monarchy headed by
King Abdullah 11. Israel is a Jewish state, while in Lebanon, the large number of religious groups play the political
After the Second World War, Beirut, the capital city of Lebanon, became the Paris of the Middle East. It had a
western-style night clubs and also done business according to western business class. The civil war that emerged in
1975 in Lebanon had led to massive destruction of infrastructure, only leaving one-third of the population in the city
of Beirut.

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1 PEOPLE, PLACE AND GLOBALIZATION People, Place, and Globalization Name Institutional Affiliation Date PEOPLE, PLACE AND GLOBALIZATION 2 PEOPLE, PLACE, AND GLOBALIZATION The Middle East has been determined to be the driest region of the earth. Climate change is one of the reasons for the water crisis in the Middle East. Drought and flood lead to a change in climate, which results in a water crisis. The increased demand for water is another reason for the water crisis. As the population increases, the consumption of water increases leading to water shortage. Resource problem is also a reason for water shortage in the Middle East. When people fail to conserve natural resources, then a water crisis occurs. Intensive deforestation and land degradation also enhance the water crisis. Poor agricultural policy has led to the overuse of water in both homes and agricultural fields. The use o ...
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