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Quiz molecular biology ii

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punjab university
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1. The synthesis of proteins involves polymerisation of:
a. Amino acids b. Glucose
c. Monosaccharides d. Nucleotides
2.A ribozyme is:
a) a class of RNA molecule that can catalyse chemical reactions.
b) a monomeric subunit of RNA.
c) a particle composed of RNA and protein that is involved in the synthesis of proteins.
d) a protein enzyme that catalyses the synthesis of RNA.
3.Which of the following does the abbreviation TBP stand for?
a) TATA-box binding protein
b) Transcription associated factor
c) Transcription factor binding protein
d) TATA box polymerase
4.What would be the effect on the primary structure of the coded protein if a single base was deleted from a messenger RNA transcript?
a) No effect.
b) A single amino acid residue is changed.
c) A complete change in amino acid sequence from the point of the deletion.
d) A premature termination of the chain at the point of mutation.
5.How many different transfer RNA molecules are present in a cell (not including those present in the mitochondria)?
a. 64 b.61 c. 20 d. More than 32 and less than 61
6.Which of the following proteins involved in peptide initiation and chain elongation is a GTPase switch?
a) Only EF-Tu
b) Only EF-G
c) Both EF-Tu and EF-G
d) Initiation factor 2
7.Which of the following enzymes involved in ribosomal protein synthesis is a ribozyme i.e. a catalytic RNA molecule?

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a) Amino acyl t-RNA synthase
b) Peptidyl transferase
c) Releasing factors 1 and 2
d) Ribosome recycling factor
8.The major differences between the prokaryotic and eukaryotic protein synthesis mechanisms are in which part of the process?
a) The initiation of synthesis.
b) The chain elongation process.
c) The chain termination process.
d) None - there are no major differences.
9.What is the name of the DNA repair system in E. coli in which dual incisions are made in the damaged part of the double helix, and a 12-13
base segment is removed and replaced with new DNA?
a) Mismatch repair
b) Base excision repair
c) Nucleotide excision repair
d) AP site repair
10.In which of the following would you find telomeres?
a) Human mitochondrial DNA
b) Human chromosomes
c) Bacterial chromosomes
d) The influenza virus genome
11.Which of the following is true of histones?
a) Histones are acidic proteins.
b) Histones are found in animal chromatin but in not plant cells.
c) The amino acid sequences of histone proteins are very similar in different organisms.
d) All histones form part of the nucleosome core particles in chromatin.
12. Which of the following statements is correct, according to Chargaff's rules?
a) All DNA molecules contain the same proportions of A, C, G and T.

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1. The synthesis of proteins involves polymerisation of: a. Amino acids b. Glucose c. Monosaccharides d. Nucleotides 2.A ribozyme is: a) a class of RNA molecule that can catalyse chemical reactions. b) a monomeric subunit of RNA. c) a particle composed of RNA and protein that is involved in the synthesis of proteins. d) a protein enzyme that catalyses the synthesis of RNA. 3.Which of the following does the abbreviation TBP stand for? a) TATA-box binding protein b) Transcription associated factor c) Transcription factor binding protein d) TATA box polymerase 4.What would be the effect on the primary structure of the coded protein if a single base was deleted from a messenger RNA transcript? a) No effect. b) A single amino acid residue is changed. c) A complete change in amino acid sequence from the point of the deletion. d) A premature termination of the chain at the point of mu ...
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