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Creating a Backup Strategy
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

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Creating a Backup Strategy
The backup plan in this context targets four (4) major categories of data that are critical
for the organization’s operations. First, customer data (including the names and addresses) will
need to be backed up. This type of data is vital to the business because in most cases, this data is
used to contact customers or have goods delivered to their doors. Secondly, all the commercial
transactions need backup (Zhang & Wu, 2014). This information is equally critical as it shows
every transaction that the company has done at every given period, making it essential for
performance monitoring and drawing references whenever necessary. On the other hand, product
data will also need to be secured. This information includes all the product details, including
their specifications. Lastly, employee data will also be backed up. This data includes
performance management, salaries, and skill inventories, and will be backed up as well.
The data will be stored in the cloud because of various potential benefits. Primarily, a
cloud-based backup enhances usability in the sense that users can drop or drag files between the
local and cloud storages. At the same time, cloud storage also boosts accessibility as compared to
the other backup options (Stringham, 2014). When files are stored in the cloud, they can be
accessed promptly from any location provided there is internet connection. Besides, cloud
storage is important in cases of disasters because it is more secure, allowing the company to
retrieve the copies in case the original data has been damaged. Lastly, cloud backup is cost-
effective; typically, no internal power is required to store information.
Since backup creation is an extensive process, it is important for the firm to execute the
plan while protecting the routine transactions from disruption. Subsequently, a continuous data
protection method will be used. In this case, all the computer data will be automatically saved at
regular intervals (Zhang & Wu, 2014). At the end of each business day, the company will have

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Running head: CREATING A BACKUP STRATEGY Creating a Backup Strategy Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 CREATING A BACKUP STRATEGY 2 Creating a Backup Strategy The backup plan in this context targets four (4) major categories of data that are critical for the organization’s operations. First, customer data (including the names and addresses) will need to be backed up. This type of data is vital to the business because in most cases, this data is used to contact customers or have goods delivered to their doors. Secondly, all the commercial transactions need backup (Zhang & Wu, 2014). This information is equally critical as it shows every transaction that the company has done at every given period, making it essential for performance monitoring and drawing references whenever necessary. On the other hand, product data will also need to be secured. This information includes all the product details, including their specifications. Lastly, employee data will also be backed up. This data includes performance management, salaries, and skill inventories, and will be backed up as well. The data will be stored in the cloud because of various potential benefits. Primarily, a cloud-based backup enhances usability in the sense that users can drop or drag files between the local and cloud storages. At the same time, cloud storage also boosts accessibility as compared to the other backup options (Stringham, 2014). When files are stored in the cloud, they can be accessed pro ...
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