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Cultural Diversity In The Workplace.

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Fisher College
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Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

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Role of Cultural Differences and their Contribution to the Existing Workplace Situations
The Case of John Smith
Cultural diversity in the workplace has positive and negative effects. It presents itself in
the form of differences in ethnicity, race, nationality, language, religion, and sexual orientation.
Firms embrace such differences to promote inclusivity and equality among employees. The case
of John Smith depicts the cultural aspect of the race. John, being an African American, feels
white employees undermine his authority. The difference in color between John Rand the white
employees creates conflict and portrays the aspect of racism. African Americans differ from
white Americans, and ups are discriminated against because of the color of their skin. Racism is
widespread throughout the United States, and this could have contributed to John's authority
obeing challenged by white employees.
The Case of Leo Marquez
Employees sharing a similar race or ethnicity tend to work better together. Individuals
who identify to a shared culture understand and tolerate each other better. Leo Marquez relates
better to Hispanic and Anglo employees as compared to African Americans. Cultural diversity
in the workplace influences overall performance because of the conflicting opinions, beliefs, and
values held by employees. The blacks may fail to be receptive to their manager as they do not
share a similar culture. Holding such attitudes creates misunderstandings and interpersonal
conflicts among culturally diverse employees. Differences in ethnicity contribute mainly to the
dilemma faced by Leo Marquez.
The Case of Maria Torres
Discrimination in the workplace is rampant and, more so, affects women and minority
groups. Despite advocacy campaigns for gender equity in the workplace, the gender gap in

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Running head: CULTURAL DIVERSITY 1 Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Name Course Professor Date 2 CULTURAL DIVERSITY Role of Cultural Differences and their Contribution to the Existing Workplace Situations The Case of John Smith Cultural diversity in the workplace has positive and negative effects. It presents itself in the form of differences in ethnicity, race, nationality, language, religion, and sexual orientation. Firms embrace such differences to promote inclusivity and equality among employees. The case of John Smith depicts the cultural aspect of the race. John, being an African American, feels white employees undermine his authority. The difference in color between John Rand the white employees creates conflict and portrays the aspect of racism. African Americans differ from white Americans, and ups are discriminated against because of the color of their skin. Racism is widespread throughout the United States, and this could have contributed to John's authority obeing challenged by white employees. The Case of Leo Marquez Employees sharing a similar race or ethnicity tend to work better together. Individuals who identify to a shared culture understand and tolerate ea ...
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