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Clinical Judgment In Nursing

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Rasmussen University
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Clinical Judgement in Nursing

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1. What do you feel are the greatest influences on clinical judgment? Is it experience,
knowledge, or a combination of those things?
Nurses have to make various decisions as they perform their duties. In making their
decisions, nurses have to make various judgments. As such, the quality of decisions made by the
nurses is greatly determined by their ability to judge their situations effectively. Nurses have to
deal with delicate and sensitive healthcare issues which requires them to make quality decisions
to handle them effectively. Efficiency in service delivery is key in healthcare organizations as it
makes patients be served fast hence save a lot of their time. In making their judgments, nurses
are influenced significantly by two major factors namely; experience and knowledge. Clinical
judgment depends on both the experience as well as the knowledge of the nurses in various
healthcare organizations hence the two factors are the key influencers of clinical decisions.
The knowledge of a nurse is very crucial in helping them make quality decisions and
consequently good judgments. Nurses undergo a lot of training before they are qualified and
allowed to practice. The information obtained during the training of the nurses makes them gain
knowledge which is very useful in making clinical judgment. The knowledge obtained in class
helps nurses gain diverse knowledge in different areas of nursing and this influences clinical
judgement. In the diagnosis of different diseases, for instance, nurses require the use of their
knowledge on that diseases hence influencing their judgment significantly. Effective judgement
of different situations and conditions of patients in a healthcare organization minimizes medical
errors and consequently increase the quality of healthcare services provided in the industry
(Tanner, 2006). As such, effective treatment of different diseases requires an accurate and
effective judgment of different conditions of patients in a healthcare organization. In handling

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Running head: CLINICAL JUDGEMENT IN NURSING Clinical Judgement in Nursing Name Institution 1 CLINICAL JUDGEMENT IN NURSING 2 1. What do you feel are the greatest influences on clinical judgment? Is it experience, knowledge, or a combination of those things? Nurses have to make various decisions as they perform their duties. In making their decisions, nurses have to make various judgments. As such, the quality of decisions made by the nurses is greatly determined by their ability to judge their situations effectively. Nurses have to deal with delicate and sensitive healthcare issues which requires them to make quality decisions to handle them effectively. Efficiency in service delivery is key in healthcare organizations as it makes patients be served fast hence save a lot of their time. In making their judgments, nurses are influenced significantly by two major factors namely; experience and knowledge. Clinical judgment depends on both the experience as well as the knowledge of the nurses in various healthcare organizations hence the two factors are the key influencers of clinical decisions. The knowledge of a nurse is very crucial in helping them make quality decisions and consequently good judgments. Nurses undergo a lot of training before they are qualified and allowed to practice. The information obtained during the training of the nurses makes them gain knowledge which is very useful in making clinical judgment. The knowledge obtained in class helps nurses gain dive ...
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Tags: nursing
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