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Philosphy Critical Thinking

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Part A
Listed below are three groups of sentences. One member of each group recommends some
course of action. For each group, make this sentence your main conclusion, and then, using the
letters provided, arrange the others in the most natural way possible to form an argument for that
conclusion. Write in revised standard form.
Part I
a. It is important to have a trained army for purposes of defense.
b. The Federal Government should reintroduce conscription.
c. Having an entirely volunteer defense force is unfair.
d. Having an entirely volunteer defense force effectively conscripts the already underprivileged
who have nowhere else to go.
e. Conscription would reduce unemployment.
f. Conscription would provide many young people with skills and experience that will help them
find jobs in civilian life.
For the cause of action statement, the most appropriate one has the word ‘should’ in it.
Therefore, the conclusion would be, “The Federal Government should reintroduce conscription.”
From this, the standard argument would be;
Having an entirely volunteer defense force effectively conscripts the already
underprivileged who have nowhere else to go. It is unfair thus important to have a
trained army for purposes of defense. Conscription would reduce unemployment
as it would provide many young people with skills and experience that will help

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them find jobs in civilian life. For this reason, the Federal Government should
reintroduce conscription.
The order of the argument is D - C A E F B
Part II
(In this case, concentrate your efforts on laying the argument out and do not spend a lot of time
on trying to provide bracketed derivations, as they are very difficult. This does not mean that you
are to spend no time at all on the matter.)
a. If God does not exist, you will lose nothing.
b. If God does not exist, you will lose very little.
c. Suppose you believe in God's existence and live a Christian life.
d. You should believe in God's existence and live a Christian life.
e. If God exists, you will enjoy eternal bliss.
f. If God exists, you will suffer eternal damnation.
g. Either God exists or God does not exist.
h. Suppose you don't believe in God's existence and don't live a Christian life.
For the cause of action statement, the most appropriate one has the word ‘should’ in it.
Therefore, the conclusion would be, “You should believe in God's existence and live a Christian
life.” From this, the standard argument would be;
Suppose you believe in God's existence and live a Christian life. In this regard, if
God exists you will enjoy eternal bliss. If God exists, you will suffer eternal
damnation supposing you don't believe in God's existence and don't live a
Christian life. If God does not exist, you will lose very little. If God does not

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Part A Listed below are three groups of sentences. One member of each group recommends some course of action. For each group, make this sentence your main conclusion, and then, using the letters provided, arrange the others in the most natural way possible to form an argument for that conclusion. Write in revised standard form. Part I a. It is important to have a trained army for purposes of defense. b. The Federal Government should reintroduce conscription. c. Having an entirely volunteer defense force is unfair. d. Having an entirely volunteer defense force effectively conscripts the already underprivileged who have nowhere else to go. e. Conscription would reduce unemployment. f. Conscription would provide many young people with skills and experience that will help them find jobs in civilian life. Solution For the cause of action statement, the most appropriate one has the word ‘should’ in it. Therefore, the conclusion would be, “The Federal Government should reintroduce conscription.” From this, the standard argument would be; Having an entirely volunteer defense force effectively conscripts the already underprivileged who have nowhere else to go. It is unfair thus important to have a trained army for purposes of defense. Conscription would reduce unemployment as it would provide many young people with skills and experience that will help them find jobs in civilian life. For this reason, the Federal Government should reintroduce conscription. The order of the a ...
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