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Testing For Bivariate Categorical Analysis.edited

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Walden University
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Testing for Bivariate Categorical Analysis
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Testing for Bivariate Categorical Analysis
Bivariate assessment forms the simplest form of quantitative analysis that encompasses
the examination of the empirical connection between two selected variables under scrutiny. The
analysis technique involves various tests such as the chi-square test and ANOVA depending on
the level of measurement for the selected attributes. The bivariate categorical analysis
encompasses the examination of the categorical attributes revealing nominal or ordinal scales of
measurement (Frankfort-Nachmias & Leon-Guerrero, 2018). The research includes an evaluation
of categorical elements selected from the Afro barometer dataset that explores the African
perception of their nation's level of democracy, quality governance, and the economic status of
the countries.
Unit of Analysis
The unit of analysis involves the African population living in the four African regions,
which include the North, East, West, and Southern Africa.
Research Scenario One
The scenario focuses on examining a conclusion obtained from literature reviews
indicating that trust in police among the African population depends on the country's level of
Research Question
Is there a connection between Africans trust in police and the presence of democracy in their
Ho: Africans trust in police does not relate to the presence of democracy in their nations.
H1: Africans trust in police relates to the presence of democracy in their nations.

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Running head: BIVARIATE CATEGORICAL ANALYSIS Testing for Bivariate Categorical Analysis Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 BIVARIATE CATEGORICAL ANALYSIS 2 Testing for Bivariate Categorical Analysis Bivariate assessment forms the simplest form of quantitative analysis that encompasses the examination of the empirical connection between two selected variables under scrutiny. The analysis technique involves various tests such as the chi-square test and ANOVA depending on the level of measurement for the selected attributes. The bivariate categorical analysis encompasses the examination of the categorical attributes revealing nominal or ordinal scales of measurement (Frankfort-Nachmias & Leon-Guerrero, 2018). The research includes an evaluation of categorical elements selected from the Afro barometer dataset that explores the African perception of their nation's level of democracy, quality governance, and the economic status of the countries. Unit of Analysis The unit of analysis involves the African population living in the four African regions, which include the North, East, West, and Southern Africa. Research Scenario One The scenario focuses on examining a conclusion obtained from literature reviews indicating that trust in police among the African population depends on the country's level of democracy. Research Question Is there a connection between Africans trust in police and the presence of democracy in their countries? Hypotheses Ho: Africans trust in po ...
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