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Eng q3 w1 5

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Activity 5: Fact – Opinion Sheet Objectives: Formulate facts and opinions. Directions: Based on your Step 3, write a one-sentence opinion from each fact that you have written. FACT 1: Other countries, such as America, China, and Spain, influenced the Philippines. America influenced us with its English language and technology, Spain with its Christian faith, and China with its arts and foods OPINION 1: We have been colonized for a long time, and as a result, we have forgotten our traditional ways because we have grown accustomed to them FACT 2: the "Pag galang" (obeisance) these are simple gestures to show respect for elders such as our parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts OPINION 2: Nowadays, children do not show those gestures because their parents never taught them or taught them but never practiced them on their children. ...
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