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Discussion Categorical Data Analysis

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Walden University
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Discussion: Categorical Data Analysis
1. What is your research question?
The research question of interest is to test whether the relationship between race of
the respondent and political party affiliation is significant or not.
2. What is the null hypothesis for your question?
: There is no significant relationship between race of the respondent and political
party affiliation.
3. What research design would align with this question?
The Chi-square test for independence is the research design that would align with
this question.
4. What dependent variable was used and how is it measured?
The dependent variable was used is political party affiliation and it was a
categorical variable measured on nominal scale.

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5. What independent variable is used and how is it measured?
The independent variable was used is race of the respondent and it was a categorical
variable measured on nominal scale (Laureate Education, 2016a).
6. If you found significance, what is the strength of the effect?
The strength of the effect,
= . 𝟑𝟖𝟕.
7. Explain your results for a lay audience and further explain what the answer is to your
research question.
The Chi-Square test statistic,𝝌
= 𝟑𝟕𝟓. 𝟗𝟒𝟕, 𝒑 < .001 , indicated that there is a
significant relationship between race of the respondent and political party
affiliation. The Phi-Coefficient
= . 𝟑𝟖𝟕 indicated that there is a weak positive
associationrace of the respondent and political party affiliation as it lies in the
interval (0.3, 0.7) (Frankfort-Nachmias, C., & Leon-Guerrero, 2018).

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Discussion: Categorical Data Analysis 1. What is your research question? The research question of interest is to test whether the relationship between race of the respondent and political party affiliation is significant or not. 2. What is the null hypothesis for your question? H0: There is no significant relationship between race of the respondent and political party affiliation. 3. What research design would align with this question? The Chi-square test for independence is the research design that would align with this question. 4. What dependent variable was used and how is it measured? The dependent variable was used is political party affiliation and it was a categorical variable measured on nominal scale. 5. What independent variable is used and how is it measured? The independent variable was used is race of the respondent and it was a categorical variable measured on nominal scale (Laureate Education, 2016a). 6. If you found significance, what is the strength of the effect? The strength of the effect,  = . 𝟑𝟖𝟕. 7. Explain your results for a lay audience and further explain what the answer is to your research question. The Chi-Square test statistic,𝝌𝟐 (𝟏𝟒) = 𝟑𝟕𝟓. 𝟗𝟒𝟕, 𝒑 < .001 , indicated that there is a significant relationship between race of the respondent and political party affiliation. The Phi-Coefficient  = . 𝟑𝟖𝟕 indicated that there is a weak positive associationrace of the respondent and p ...
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