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Sustainable Supply Chain Management

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Kingston University
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Supply Chain Sustainability 1
By (Name)
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Tame of Lecturer
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Word Count: 1934

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Supply Chain Sustainability 2
SDG 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns
The 21
world is facing a severe crisis ranging from worse climate change, unmet human needs,
ecological degradation, and increased social inequality. Such problems constantly trigger social
unrest and threaten peace around the world. It is important for governments to understand the
intricate nature of the problems to find viable solutions. The strain on natural resources,
pollution, and degradation of the environment are some of the significant challenges that is
already affecting people today and are likely to cause greater problems in future generations.
Further, 34% (approximately $1 trillion) of what is being produced from the natural resources
going to waste. The implementation of SGD 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production
Patterns, sought to develop approaches to minimise the waste and preserve the environment for
future generations. This study will address SGD 12 along the importance of SC activities and the
development of sustainable supply chain, and the metrics that can be used to measure and report
the SGD milestones.
Study Objectives
1. To examine the importance of supply chain initiatives and development of Sustainable
Supply Chains
2. To review of appropriate indicators/metrics to allow measuring and reporting on your
chosen target
Study Overview
The SDG Goal 12 aims to promote efficient and sustainable use of natural resources in order to
decrease economic, environmental and social damage, augment economic growth, and lessen

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Supply Chain Sustainability 1 SDG 12: SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION PATTERNS By (Name) Name of Course Tame of Lecturer Name of University Location of University Date Word Count: 1934 Supply Chain Sustainability 2 SDG 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns Introduction The 21st world is facing a severe crisis ranging from worse climate change, unmet human needs, ecological degradation, and increased social inequality. Such problems constantly trigger social unrest and threaten peace around the world. It is important for governments to understand the intricate nature of the problems to find viable solutions. The strain on natural resources, pollution, and degradation of the environment are some of the significant challenges that is already affecting people today and are likely to cause greater problems in future generations. Further, 34% (approximately $1 trillion) of what is being produced from the natural resources going to waste. The implementation of SGD 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns, sought to develop approaches to minimise the waste and preserve the environment for future generations. This study will address SGD 12 along the importance of SC activities and the development of sustainable supply chain, and the metrics that can be used to measure and report the SGD milestones. Study Objectives 1. To examine the importance of supply chain initiatives and development of Sustainable Supply Chains 2. To review of appropriate indi ...
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